Side Effects may include.... Fetishes


Chapter 1 by kakarot kakarot

In the Animated Disney Movie Aladdin as well as the TV series Once Upon a Time one of the lessons that is given that sometimes a skill or ability comes at a price. Which random fiction characters are about to discover. The side effects can be meanly an inconvenience such as using a transporter in Star Trek regresses a person's mind for maybe ten to fifteen minutes requiring all starships/starbases to come with a Caregiving room close by their Teleporter. Until they regain their normal minds.

Or the side effect will change their lives like in the case of Ranma Saotoma who finds that once out of maybe four times he changes into a girl after falling into the Spring of the Drowned Girl finds that when he is female he is overcome with a desire to get fucked whether it is done by a rival, an alley or even a total stranger.

The side effect could just effect a single person such as in Ranma's case or it could be an over reached effect such as in the World of Harry Potter it is revealed that due to having Magic, Wizards are all born with tiny cocks while Witches are born with are born with large breast and/or asses.

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