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It's just a stream

Chapter 1 by ntaylor ntaylor

I knock on the door, she opens and I enter. Everything is ready, she guides to her make up chair. I have no idea what are all those objects, but I trust her. She is ending her beauty course, just waiting for the final exams to get her diploma, and need to make money. I also need to make money, so when she asked me to be her model for shaving my almost invisible facial hair, I don't dare to call this a beard, I accept. We talk about limits. I respect all people, and don't care that she's a girl with something an extra, but I told her that it's only for the bear. She laugh, and asked me to stay quiet and silent, she was going to start her streaming. We made an agreement, my face will no be revealed during that streaming, and she agreed. In order to engage more people she asked me if she could introduce me someone in the closet. I laugh from the idea. She is a marketing genius, using every chance to climb higher. I agree. She made a gesture and with a click we are live.

- " Hello people, Gigi here. And like promise we are going to start a new adventure. Oh, so many likes and hearts. I love you all, share the love people. We are going to start from the basics. Facial hair. Being you a boy, or a girl ... we all wish to get rid of it, unless if it's your thing. If it is, you can take care of it. I like bears ... but not in me. Bear lovers, type #bearlove in the chat. Oh, so many ... Bears are cute and fluffy. But on on my face ... You get the idea ... Naughty ... Facial hair is one thing that people notice. You can try to hide it with makeup, but if you are not careful enough, people will see through it, that's why I'm here. To give you a more clean, feminine face. My model is shy ... aren't we all ? So you have just to hear my voice and see. my hands ... What a funny video this is going to be. Here is something for you to see. First give away, this beautiful make up kit. Call all your friends, and ask them to type #welovegigi and subscribe to my channel. My staff will count them and you will get your offer at your home. Yes, another advantage to be on my club, free shipping. Oh, you like this kit so much and want one ? You can order it, also. Go to the website ... after I finish my lesson. Hahahaha. Don't run, I need you there. 50% discount for the first 100 ...

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Ready to start ? Great. Foreplay always. The world need more foreplay ... Before you start to remove the facial hair, exfoliate for about a week, after each shower. It will make your skin smoother, and shaving will be much easier. For now, later we will talk about more permanent solutions for this problem. Trust me people, your facial hair days are over. But that's for another lesson. If you like this show, and want to send me some love, the link is under the video and I am going to post it also on the chat. There you go, send me money. Hahahaha. This show is free, but I need a new pair of shoes ... Don't we all ? Hahahaha. If you have a brand, send me an email and we talk. I love sponsors ... like this kit, thank you Lulu for your love. Lulu is not a brand, is so much more than that. Go to my website, I have a link explaining all. Exfoliating is an awesome alternative for waxing in more sensitive areas such as your face, because it doesn’t hurt your skin, and makes your skin stronger. Foreplay, exfoliate. Easy, yes ? After the foreplay, exfoliating, we have other tips for you.

Wash the face before you start, quality soap and running water. Lulu soap is amazing and cheap, check it.

Don't use the same blade for your face and your legs, each part of your body requires a certain type of love.

Shaving cream helps a lot, makes the job easier and prevents the cuts

After care, don't forget it. Your face is sensitive and needs cold water and more love. Check my website.

Final touches, foundation, and lipstick around the area where your facial hair was. Don't go overboard. Just use a little and then blend it out with a makeup sponge and use a different sponge for your foundation. When you apply liquid foundation make sure you press it into your pores by dabbing your face and then blend out. This is called colour correction. Check my other lessons.

Last tip ... ask a friend to be your model, like I did. People, why do you do this alone in front of a mirror ? Call a friend and have a shaving party. Like I did. If you need, join our community and we can get you in touch with other fans of my show near you. Thank you for being there, and all your donations. Without you, I wouldn't be here. If you like this show, share it with your friends and join our community forum. Can you believe that I have a model near me ? I couldn't also. My forum is amazing, isn't it ? Bye. "

With another click, she transmission is over. I look to the mirror ... she's an artist ... Even without showing my face, she did all she was saying. The last weeks of exfoliation made me feel my skin getting healthier ... and this final touches ... Gigi even massage my face before the make up ... And is now carefully removing it.

- " Gigi ... if I wasn't showing my face ... why did you apply the make up ? "

- " My fans trust me, darling. They know that I was doing it ... we all been in the closet and know that it takes time and love to come out. "

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