Send me an Angel

An Angel's Gift

Chapter 1 by sir oppenheimer sir oppenheimer

There she is, the girl of your dreams, Mary Warren. She is a few inches shorter than you are. She has golden blonde hair that flows down to her mid-back. Her breasts are a tad small for your tastes, but nonetheless still perfect. The only problem is that she will never be yours. You had just gone up to her at her locker and asked her to go on a date with you. She declined, saying “Really? You? Ha, yeah right.”

Nearly every day when you arrive at your high school, of which you and Mary are seniors, you see her. Things haven’t been going all that great for you recently; you’ve been failing a couple classes, you wrecked your car a few weeks ago, and now this. You think it’d be best to have some alone time, so you head off to the library after school. Since your car is wrecked you have to walk, but you don’t particularly mind.

When you are passing through a somewhat nasty part of the city, you notice some younger kids playing baseball in the street. You leave them alone, but sure enough as soon as you turn your head to face the direction you’re walking, they bat the baseball directly into the back of your head, and, due to this, you black out.
When you come to, the first thing you notice is that your head is in intense pain, the second is that you are in your own room, in your own home, lying on your own bed. You take a few moments to reflect on what you remember happening. After that, you notice a poorly hand-written note attached to your pants leg. It says,

“You took a pretty nasty hit back there. I used my power to stabilize your condition and send you to a safe place. Also, I decided that my power could be of better use to you, so I transferred it to you. My, well, your power now, is capable of many things. For instance, your head must be pretty painful right about now. If you focus on making the pain disappear, it shall.”

You are shocked at what you are reading, this must be bullshit, but, your head is hurting bad enough right now to warrant any attempts to make it stop. You focus as hard as you can on making the pain disappear, and to your surprise, it does! You continue reading.

“This power will give you control over the manipulative forces that exist throughout the universe, as such, you may manipulate many things. There are some limitations, however; keep in mind that matter and energy cannot be created nor destroyed, only changed. For example, if you tried to create an object out of nothing, it would not work. But, if you instead converted air molecules into said object, it would work. This works with manipulating people, both mind and body, too. This is all the basics I can give you, be responsible with this power, you will learn best by experimenting.
“I’ll be seeing you,

Wow, that’s quite a bit for you to take in, you think. You decide to give it a try. You focus all your energy on trying to create a hamburger from the air. Nothing happens at first, but then, you can see a tiny speck begin to form in your outstretched hand, which grows in size slowly. Within just a few moments, it has reached the size of a large hamburger. You stop focusing on it, and deliberately move it to your mouth to take a bite. It tastes a little funky, and you see that the meat isn’t cooked. Again, you try focusing on the meat, trying to make it heat up. You see the meat start to brown, and the grease begins to boil. You stop heating it, and take another bite, and thankfully it tastes perfectly fine this time.

You have the power, what shall you do next?

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