Relic Hunter The Mind Control Coin

Relic Hunter The Mind Control Coin

Chapter 1

Chapter 1: The Discovery

Michael had always been fascinated with ancient relics their history and their mysterious powers.

So when his professor, Sydney Fox, announced that their next field trip would take them deep into a cave in the UK to search for an ancient relics from the Medieval period Michael was ecstatic.

Michael only 20 years old was a thin built man with rimmed glasses and white skin with jet black hair and although he didn’t look like much he was filled with excitement about these cave.

He couldn't wait to explore the cave and hopefully be the an amazing relic of some kind hoping it would be some kind of amazing treasure.

As they entered the cave, Michael couldn't help but wander away from the group, wanting to find something to claim as his own.

As he was exploring, he noticed a glimmer of light coming from a deeper cove in the cave from the corner of his eye.

Curiosity getting the best of him, he followed the light and found himself in a small alcove and there, lying on the ground, was the most beautiful coin he had ever seen.

Without hesitation, Michael picked up the coin and examined it.

It was made of pure gold and had intricate designs carved into it.

He was about to show it to his professor when she called the group back to the entrance of the cave.

Reluctantly, Michael put the coin in his pocket, making a mental note to show it to Sydney later that evening.

What's next?

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