Project Epic

Project Epic

Dedication yields immense rewards.

Chapter 1 by kblaz3 kblaz3

You know it’s ironic. I have spent almost a decade perfecting a singular chemical. It was the key to all that I wanted and more. I knew that, but I hadn’t quite figured out how to get it to work as intended. I lived for a singular purpose, to perfect my chemical.

But we will get back to that. You see I was a nerd. Like a nerd to the . I had been in high school, and I continued that legacy all the way through to the end of my doctorate. You see I wanted to make . I wanted to make the very best in the world. I actually had made a few that I won’t name drop that helped with anxiety, panic disorders, and even a few for weight loss. Most people would go their career and only contribute to making one or two of these amazing breakthrough , but I was one of the best.

I was constantly hounded by recruiters to go from one company to the other, time and again. After a couple of years of this, I came up with two very specific criteria that I demanded that recruiters abide by. I worked remotely in my own lab and would be provided any technology, substance, or chemical I requested. The second was that I worked on my own schedule, and would not be to show up for meetings or other stupidity. The second stipulation I wavered a bit on and would get on a video chat once a week to do a check-in, but that was a maximum of 1 hour per week, twice a month. I really had no interest in dealing with middle management or even upper management idiots who wanted to make demands on my productivity. I worked at my pace. Period.

In my lab, I had all sorts of different formulations going at any given time. It ran the gamut of legitimate that would go to market, some recreational that I kept around for amusement, or times of boredom, and then I had the chemical.

I started working on it when I was in high school, and I have to admit that those uneducated and clumsy attempts really were just a waste of time. They had accomplished nothing in the long term. I had very specific things that I wanted the fabled chemical to do, and now that I knew much more I was finally starting to hit milestones in getting everything perfect. I had a sudo working prototype that worked for a short time, but the duration was very short, and only worked partially. There was vastly more that I wanted it to do.

It was exactly two years ago that I finally got the idea of merging the prototype with a base RNA strand for humans. I would factor it similarly to a vaccine, but it would attach itself, and make the effects indefinite while also allowing for me to ignore one of the features that I had direly wanted.

You see the chemical, or project epic as I had named it in my youth, was a mind-control . And before you laugh out loud, which is what any rational human being would do if someone said that they were working on a substance such as this, realize that there have been multiple substances that do parts of what I wanted this one to do.

The first that I had taken a look at when I first started out was burandanga, or devil's breath. However, it had some serious side effects. It could, and regularly did kill people so I had worked to figure out a way to keep the loss of coherence, and the amnesia effect but not the dire side effects. I quickly migrated into obtaining scopolamine which worked similarly in high doses, but again, I ran into the horrid fact that it would kill someone. Plus I tend to prefer natural ingredients versus synthetics. They tended to do less damage to the body.

I worked for a few years tweaking the ingredients, and creating a “safe” cocktail to test on someone, and actually had a decent . The problem was that I really was not in the market to create a date . While what I was doing was honestly much more sinister, there were enough that already did the job without my hitting the market.

Instead, I backtracked and created a decent anti-anxiety medication out of it, and that very rapidly turned into my first major payday and is what helped me pay for my house in the country with a basement that spanned the entirety of the house. It also paid for a state of the art security system, technology infrastructure, and it all but ensured complete privacy. But then none of that truly matters.

Eventually, I got frustrated and started studying human genetics. More specifically I wanted to have the same kind of long-lasting effect that a vaccine would have. I wanted Epic to bond to the very DNA of the person who was injected and have it stop their ability to fully function without boosters shots. I wanted to basically hook them like a heroin addict but on a more base level, and with different effects. I also wanted to be able to control the people that I hooked into doing quite literally what I wanted them to do.

So Epic needed to now do three things. The first was that the base injection needed to bond to DNA and create a long term addiction. The second was for a second injection to create a time period (that was flexible enough to extend or reduce) so that I could embed triggers, or commands into the person's subconscious that they would follow without any deviation. The third was the most important, I needed a booster substance that would remove intentionally designed withdrawal symptoms, and would be able to pair with the second injection to create a trance-like state.

It was a horrid thing to want but I was hooked. I desperately wanted to create this chemical. Well, if we are being honest, it is a whole set of chemicals. A treatment regimen.

Last night I finally got the treatments completed. They would do exactly what I wanted, and potentially a slight bit more. I won't go into the scientific mumbo jumbo but needless to say, I was ready to test it.

Was the world ready for a silent revolution?

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