Planet Sandbox

Planet Sandbox

Have your fun as Aphrodite's Custodian on Earth 2.0.

Chapter 1 by PlanetSandbox PlanetSandbox

You open your eyes.

Everything around you is white. You are lying in what might be the softest bed ever known to mankind.

You don't know where you are, but you feel a profound relaxation. You're about to doze off again, when suddenly...

"Hey there, gorgeous."

You jolt awake again and sit up straight. You look to your right, where the husky yet sweet voice came from, and you see...

No way.

Scarlett Johansson?

Something tells you this isn't Scarlett Johansson. But at the very least, she looks like her slightly more beautiful identical twin sister.

She sits on the edge of your bed, beaming a radiant smile at you, wearing a satin white night gown.

She begins stroking your hair. And while you hadn't asked for this, it feels like exactly the thing you needed right now.

You can't help but gaze in her eyes for a while, mesmerized. Then you are jolted out of your trance once again, when a door swings open.

You hadn't even noticed there was a door, but it had been there the entire time. At the opposite side of the room, in front of your bed. A thick mist penetrates your room. You can make out a shadow amidst all the mist. A woman-shaped shadow.

The figure emerges from the mist and stands still in front of your bed.

Who is it?

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