Overwatch comes to Life

Or at least the team that was chosen.

Chapter 1 by Mattahouen Mattahouen

I turn my head slightly to the left to look what I use for a clock, 1:37AM it reads. This was nothing out of the ordinary for me, I usually stay up until 3 or 4 playing Overwatch. What is out of the ordinary, was that I was finally getting to play with a full team of my friends against a six stack of top five hundreds. As would be expected, the semi pros held my team shortly after capturing point A. Already accepting defeat, me and my team decided to play the rest of the round for laughs.

"All supports! We'll never die!" Suggested the first friend.

"All DPS! They won't even know what hit them!" Laughed another.

"All men?" Suggested one of the more salty friends

"Nah, then we won't get any fast healing. How about all women?" I suggest, quickly, everyone agreed and we went about selecting an appropriate team comp.

What's the team Comp?

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