Never apart, never together

Never apart, never together

A terrible curse strikes a young couple

Chapter 1 by Onnivan Onnivan

Like the hearts of all sentient beings, this world is split in two: Evil vs. good, light vs. dark, virtue vs. sin, demons vs. angels. It is a world of contrast that shapes the land itself, dividing it in half. With this balance, at least there is peace now. ![](<a href="<img">"><img src="" alt="Untitled" border="0" /></a>)

But in the chronicles of old, it is said that it was not always so. About 10 thousand years back, the land was in constant war. Demon and Angels fought each other to , leaving entire lands deserted and unfertile. Famine and diseases were roaming everywhere, and even life was in peril. The sentient beings, dwarfs, elves, gnomes, and humans fought alongside the angeles, sometimes getting the upper hand and sometimes losing. There was no winner and loser back then; all were on the losing side.

But why was this hatred so deep? Why was there no peace talk and no possibility of reconciliation? Some say it's the demon's kind nature to consume forever, to destroy all lives, but then again, aren't they also living and dying in the same world? Why did they hate the Angeles so much?

To answer that, we must go back in time even further, so much further that even time had no meaning back then. There was nothing back then, not even the notion of nothing. There was only chaos. The chaos lord roamed eternally, being only himself and not knowing anything other than himself. A being of all possibilities yet alone and cold in the emptiness of his own being. That being of immense power one day desired. And that desire instantly became the goddess Alumna. Made from the desire of the chaos lord, she was eternally beautiful and fair as the first woman. The chaos became immediately infatuated with her as soon as she appeared.

The chronicles say that they mated for millions of years, and their first children were the elements ; fire, air, earth, and water.

But the nature of desire is that she always desires, so she wanted to create further on. So she mated with fire, making the sun. Then she mated with water, creating the oceans and rivers, and then with air, creating the wind and clouds. Then with earth creating well!!! , the Earth. And so a spark of life ignited all that was dead, and a new era began.

But the chaos lord was jealous, considered all this a betrayal, and accused her of cheating on him with the elements. His own children. A fight broke out, and the elements sided with the mother and banished the chaos lord from their creation.

The chronicles say that then the banished chaos lord created the demons, beings of hatred and diseases. Their sole purpose is to destroy all creation and enact vengeance on behalf of their dark lord.

Godesss Alumna, seeing these wretched beings that were causing havoc and despair with the help of the elements, created the angels. But it was not enough. The angels alone could not handle the endless hordes of the dark lord. And so the Angeles created the elves first. And then all other sentient beings to help them against the struggle. The first created elves were granted the status of protectors and were endowed with a long life and better affinity with the elements. And so, more by necessity than desire, the lands that we know today were established. Now, with the help of their own creation, the Angels could stand a chance against the demons; thus, the era of the Endless wars began.

But although war is eternal, even this era was doomed to come to an end. The angels were beginning to grow tired of all the fighting and some of the demons as well.

Thus, that era ended with the accord of a demon lord and the angel of the water element. The angel created the boiling sea, a border of high-temperature water that will melt the skin and bones of anyone who dares to come close. On the other end, the demon lord of that time created the frozen desert, a low-temperature waste that froze anyone who dared look at it, not to mention coming close. Thus, the angels retreated to their heaven above, and our current era is established.

One will think that all is well now and life is flourishing, like the cherry tree flowers in spring. But no, every barn has its rats. The sub-races, or the parasitic races, still linger around in the sentient being's land. Some say they are remnants of past mistakes, others that they come from the chaos lord himself. No one knows their origin; goblins, orcs, kobolds, beast folk, lizardfolk, and so many others disrupt the peaceful life of sentient beings.

And for every problem, there must be a solution, so the guilds were established, an organization of mighty warriors whose sole purpose was to exterminate these foes.

And so our adventure begins.

What's next?

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