Mystical Fantasies

A story about existing in many world

Chapter 1 by CastielV CastielV

AN: For those of you who are coming from my story "A Beast's Impact" this is the shower fantasies I was talking about. I had trouble publishing it under a proper narrative so think of this as a more streamlined version of the concept that fits more with Chyoa's guidelines. It is basically the same overall concept but with a proper narrative of sorts. Also I would like to apologize for any mistakes I make in grammar I am very quick at typing and get absentminded some times.

You wake up lying flat on your back. You felt the ground beneath you and jumped up in surprise. Not knowing where you where you looked around and found a barren wasteland. There was no foliage for miles. No signs of animals. And, know that your focusing on it you discover you don't feel anything. Wherever you are there seems to be no wind, temperatures, or sensations. You aren't even hungry, tired, or thirsty. Hell, you don't even feel any emotions. But, you still have control of your body and seem to be in a place with am endless field of dirt. Inspecting the ground more you see cracks that shined faintly with some kind of energy. It seemed to have very distinct properties as it changed colors on a loop.

It changed from red and blue to colors like amber and sea green with many others joining in and mixing with each other. It did this in no particular order. Investigating this more made you realize that the earth beneath was shining with this energy in every direction. You also realized that it grew brighter when following a specific direction. Following this path you walk along it. Walking down the path took a long time or at least what you think is a long time. When you reached the end you see a glowing orb bigger than you could ever hope to comprehend.

You were in awe of the orb as it drew you deeper and deeper in to it's presence. You felt mesmerized by this being and held no hesitation as you walked towards it. Upon coming within arms length of it you stopped walking and stood still. Admiring the Majesty that you have gazed your eyes upon. You realize it has the same properties as the light you have followed. You deduced that it must be the source of the energy. With this deduction and an ever rising curiosity you hold your arms out and go to touch the orb. As you do so you are suddenly pulled into it and feel your mind splitting apart as information surges into your head.

You realized the being was the source of all existence. It was the being that created the laws of reality, the laws of nature, and the laws of life and . The energy that it produces is responsible for the creation of the universe and many other universe. Universes that were mirror images to your and universes that were vastly different to yours. There were even universes that were of the fictional worlds you have read or watched about. You then heard a voice booming with power speak in your head.

What does the voice want? What is it's intent with you? What does this all mean?

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