My Celebrity Fantasies

Chapter 1 by thisnameismine thisnameismine

Most of my life I've been a normal guy, wait check that, no one is REALLY normal everyone is messed up at times everyone has impure thoughts about certain people in their lives, don't they?? I know I do and this is a story about my impure thoughts, about what I would like to do to the girl, no woman I have been lusting over.

My daily routine was filled with easy tasks, go to school, come home, go to work, then every night I would watch a T.V. show called Buffy The Vampire Slayer one of the biggest reasons was that there was a woman named Sarah Michelle Gellar and she was a beautiful woman with long blonde hair just the right curves, a majestic face and, in short she was an angel, an angel I just had to meet.

Which brings me to today, I am standing outside the home of Sarah Michelle Gellar in front of the huge door wondering what to do, I knock and a butler with a strong British accent answers the door. "Can I help You sir??"

What do I do?

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