Mosaic Twilight

Mosaic Twilight

A tale of a shattered world of light and darkness

Chapter 1 by The-Drunken-Bandit The-Drunken-Bandit

I have gone through all possible variables.


And the damage is far worse than we originally expected from… This… This, abomination…

Ahh… Shit. How much worse man?

Far worse than either of us could have ever anticipated old friend.

Soo… end of the multi-verse bad then?



That too.

Motherfucker god damnit cock sucking-! Grrh… Sigh… you know that there’s only one thing we can actually do, now right?

Unfortunately, yes... Just like you, I’ve noticed how… delicate the situation is there.

Delicate is putting it lightly, we can’t get directly involved, we tried everything else, we've only got one option left.

I know, despite our best efforts, this world cannot stand on its own, either we must introduce a new variable into it, or less we go to the Great Author and ask him to toss this aberration, and by extension the worlds that make it up, to the void of non-existence.

That is not an option. Not yet, not until we damn well know we have no other choice!

It’s not like I’m recommending it brother, I am merely voicing the few choices that we have left. Like you I do not wish this world to die, while erasing this abomination from existence would be the safest and easiest way to handle this, we are different from the others who dare call themselves gods.

Because we will not abandon the lives of billions, just because it’s easy.

Yes, we will try everything that we can in order to save this world and we have, but now we must resort to a final ultimatum, though before we do, I do has something to ask.


Yes, how do you think should we begin this my old friend?

Ooh, I don’t know perhaps we should start this off with a classic.

Sigh… That old cliché?

Oooh, come on man don’t be like that! After all, you can’t go wrong with the classics! Besides considering the situation that the worlds in, it does seem kind of fitting don’t you think?

Sigh… I suppose your right, with the current state of the world, it does seem slightly fitting to begin with that old introduction.

That’s the spirit! Now you want to go first, or should I?

I might as well start this all off. Now let us begin…

Once upon a time…

There existed a collection of worlds that coexisted in harmony with each other, each world containing a different story and a different tale.

Many of these stories were fantastical, while others… eh… not so much.

However, they all existed peacefully and intertwined with each other to create an image of pure imagination that would fill the dreams and hearts of many young and old.

Till one day a collection of 13 greedy fools decided to muck it up and twisted and combine these worlds of dreams, into a single obese patchwork of a nightmare.

These 13 disrupted the natural balance of these worlds and the pursuit of changing their stories in order to better suit them and as a result these worlds of light were plunged into darkness and were torn apart and then forcefully sewn back together to create a twisted mockery of what came before.

This off course disrupted the natural balance of the world itself, so much so that very fabrics of reality were beginning to tear themselves apart. As they tried to separate and themselves back into their natural states, but every time the same collection of idiots that tore them apart would only forcibly glue them back into this world of nightmares. Until eventually, the idiots got smart and created rituals to permanently bind these worlds together forever by binding their very lifeforce to the planet to act as the glue for this paper-mâché monstrosity.

However, unknown to them, two Gods watched on with Displeasure and disgust.

One that symbolized the future.

And one that symbolized the past.

Both were in agreement that what had transpired could not stand.

But both gods knew that they could not directly interfere with the going on’s of this new abomination of the world.

For if they directly stepped foot into to the world.

The very glue that was holding this Frankenstein world together would come undone and that would spell the of the very worlds that they were trying to save.

So, a plan was hatched.

The two gods would go out and find a poor sap, one that had a pure heart and a good moral compass, to go out and kick the asses of the 13 lunatics who thought it was a smart idea to fuck with reality.

However, not every good heart man could be the hero the gods so desperately needed.

Nope, the guy had to have an understanding of the very bad guys that he was going to face.

So, that limited the many options of the brother gods quite severely and even then some mortals would not come willingly.

So, in response the god of the Past prepped several bolts of thunder to be a lot more “persuasive” to whoever they picked and is going to use said bolts to bring said mortal to visit and/or use it to wipe his mind of any of the less important bits of information that they won’t need in the next world. You know, the memories of family, friends and unneeded lovers that would only get in the way~!

However, BEFORE the god of the future's brother gets too trigger happy, a decision must be made about one important thing…

Who exactly is going to be the hero of the story?

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