Mod Your Life

Mod Your Life

Take "owning your life" to a whole new level.

Chapter 1 by bitchno bitchno

Who in the goddamn world is stupid enough to take an advanced programming course in the last year of high school? Well, turns out the idiot is no other than you. Who knows what got into your head when you signed up for the notoriously challenging course despite having no experience in programming at all. Too bad, you are stuck with producing technical gibberish that makes absolutely no sense to you for an entire year.

Or maybe not. Your newly acquired programming skills seem to finally come in handy when you start modding your games and turn them into seriously fucked up adult games. From FPS games to RPG games and simulation games, no game installed on your computer escapes the fate of becoming an extremely sexualized version of its former self. Modding games becomes your new guilty pleasure.

That is, until one day you receive a suspicious email in your inbox. Seeing that it is from one of your favorite modding communities, you click on the link without hesitation - completely disregarding the warning that reads “CLICK AT YOUR OWN RISK.” The link takes you to an old website with nothing but another link to download a program named “Mod Your Life.” Again, you click on the file without hesitation. If this is about modding games, you are all in for it.

When you open the program, it surprises you with an ominous blue screen before giving you two options: “Create a mod” and “Import a mod.” Clicking on the former option gives you another set of options: “Mod yourself,” “Mod others,” and “Mod the world.”

Upon clicking on the first option, you are downright terrified by what you see to say the very least. This program you just downloaded has all your private information - your name, your age, your race, and... your penis size? You frown at the petty number shown on the screen and furiously click on the “increase” button to yank it all the way up.

You almost jump out of your seat in surprise when you feel a tingling sensation in your crotch. You quickly unzip your pants and, to your shock, pull out a now-massive monster cock out of your boxers. You stare at the hideous thing for a while before hitting the “decrease” button just a few times. Your mouth opens in disbelief as your penis decreases in size, just a little, right before your eyes. Whatever it is that you just downloaded onto your computer... it is not just another modding program for games. It is a modding program for real life.

+) Quick note: Feel free to add new chapters. Don't add new chapters to the first chapter to keep things organized.

So, what do you do now?

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