Mara Jade/Luke Skywalker futa adventure

Mara Jade/Luke Skywalker futa adventure

Because somebody had to do it

Chapter 1 by Panty smasher Panty smasher

Parings: Luke skywalker/Mara Jade.


Mara Jade was in a predicament.

The tall (nearly Amazonian now) dangerous Red headed beauty was conflicted. She was the right hand of the emperor. Second only to Vader (or as far as she knew)

A dangerous Hunter, who brought hundreds of rebel scum to their knees. made treasonous senators quake in their boots. Hunted tax Dodgers for sport! And enjoyed hanging slavers by Their own iron chains.

Mara was second only to Vader in the amount of executions made for the imperial cause. (And if even a third of where him killing his own officers for incompetence, then she would have him beat.) Serving her master faithfully to the letter. Whether it be by rain, sleet, snow or hail, it mattered little to her. If he had a target , then she would hit the bullseye, every time.

She was loyal to her master and only to him.

Not to the wannabe dictator Tarkin, who shot the empire in the foot by destroying alderaan, creating the very foundation for which the rebellion to gain legitimacy, they were already on the outs

not the pheromone spewing freakish falleen "prince" Xizor, who literally created more corruption by simply running black sun, who thinks to dengar and the rest eradicate that filthy freak and his mind altering pheromones.

and certainly not to that sad asthmatic gimp suit wearing traitorous bitch, Darth "I-lost-my-legs-in-a-game-of- the-floor-is-lava" Vader.

So obsessed with hunting down some blond twink, that he would go as far as killing his own subordinates. And even then he's some how manage to fuck up. Only managing to capture that now powered up Twink walk up to his front door.

No, she was loyal to one man, Sheev Elisabeth Palpatine the I (long may he reign) a man who brought, justice and sincerity to the galaxy. lowered poverty rates on coruscant(a feat given its 25000 levels total), unified a galaxy hundreds of military alliances and militias into one cohesive structure. Brought the galaxy from the brink of collapse, out of a slowly dying republic,

An into a Glorious galactic empire.

but he's dead now

And she had no purpose

her Emperor was DEAD!

by the robots hands of his own apprentice, no less.

And in his , the empire crumble under its own weight, unable to hold itself up without his Majesty.

The empire had betrayed her master, imploding the moment he was pronounced dead, they had betrayed her for not keeping the peace and prosperity to her people.

They turn out to be weak in her eyes. A big organization over reliant on big ships and bigger guns. Ruling by fear and hatred, giving BILLIONS of perfect opportunities to defect, REASONS to defect..

The Imperial forces were incompetent and pathetic that they got taken out by a rag tag team of rebels. Not even a real, legitimized army but a Merely a merry band of extremists, terrorists, anarchists, syndicalists, and communists sympathizers.

When the second star was destroyed that was a final straw. The of her master untethered her from the empire, or at least. The empire that she once knew.

Mara grab what she wanted And ran like hell, deserting from the empire entirely. It's Their loss they ruined it with their own incompetence.

She later joined up with a smugglers guild and enjoyed the freedom that gave her. Talon had been so much help.

She was free to lived how her master would have wanted her to live.

Or at least how she thought he wanted her to live. Now if only to get rid of this little order in her head.

[Authors note: let this have some set up before the sex happens, this was inspired by a different work that while I loved, had erroneously bad spelling errors and felt like a wall of text at times, but a diamond can always be found in a rough and I'm using those story beats for salvaging. When we get closer to the scenes I will actually share it and the author as for right now I want this to stand on my own for a bit.

[For those that don't know Mara Jade, she is a character from the old EU, now dubbed Legends.

She was first introduced in the Timothy zahns, the "Thrawn trilogy"

specifically "_Heir to the Empire_"

These books would revolutionize the Star wars expanded universe and pave the way for many other stories to come.

They were the first introduction of not only Mara but also Thrawn,(and Leia and Hans twin children Jacen and Jaina)

Mara after 10 years of fanshipping would marry Luke.

To put their relationship into perspective


Who's next.

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