Making it on your own

With some support

Chapter 1 by elementc32 elementc32

A little over a month after turning 19, you finally got a place of your own. Living with your father has been a nightmare, polar opposites, you have always been a disappointment to him. After deciding to take a year off before starting college, your father decided you were no longer his problem. Numerous fights ensued before you were finished, better to cut ties and begin anew.

You and a friend found a shit-hole rental house for cheap, just on the outskirts of downtown. The place is a two bedroom one bath, two story house, but don't let the second floor fool you, this house is tiny, and you can forget privacy! The walls are poorly insulated, the neighbor's houses are a few feet away, and there is so much traffic on your street at all hours of the day, you will never be able to get a moment of peace.

The day came to move, your friend Jacob arrives at your place to help you move, but with some bad news. He is bailing on you, he doesn't think that he can afford it yet, and didn't want to let you down by not being able to cover his half of the bills (so he sticks you with 100% of the bills on your own).

After some arguing, you realize that you are not going to change his mind, but since you have already signed a lease (probably should have put him on it too), you have to move, and since he was fucking you over, the least he could do was help move you in.

While unloading your things, one of the next door neighbors comes outside. A very fit 30 something man, about 6' tall, and built like an olympian swaggers over to see if you need any help. He seems nice enough, and makes easy work of your heavier furniture, making you and Jacob look pathetic. The man introduces himself as Sean, and welcomes you to the neighborhood. You thank him for the assistance, and offer him some of the pizza that is on the way. He declines, having dinner plans already, but tells you that he will take you up on the pizza some other time.

Jacob hangs out for a while before heading out. You could tell that he felt a bit guilty, and maybe there was more to him not moving in than he is telling you. Never mind that though, this is your first night as a free man! You have the week off of work to get settled in, and an empty house to yourself! It's time to... Sit on your ass and watch movies just like you would at home!

Your movie is over, it's late, what are you going to do?

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