

Seek Palelove

Chapter 1 by Choruss Choruss

As your consciousness fades back, you open your eyes to see the clinic ceiling, with a hint of light brightening it up enough to see. An occasional drip is heard, likely coming from the blood vial that was used for the blood transfusion. The noise tugs at your ears, however any headache you might have had from the sound slowly drips away itself, until both it and the noise of the blood simply stop.

Another wet sound soon begins, yet it is not a drip noise like before. Instead, there is the noise of liquid filling the floor, a stench of sick blood slowly filling the air. With your senses on high alert, your nose picks up the scent coming from the left of you. All you can do is turn your head slowly, in fear of the headache returning. You lay your eyes on a giant mass of bloody red fur, which soon rises, revealing more; a beast of black and drenched red, with piercing eyes, yellow as the moon. Its arm free of the floor it rose from, the arm goes to grasp a hold on the floor, dragging itself up closer to you, its other arm following in action. A snarl comes from the beast, its sharp dagger like teeth revealed. It inches closer to you before raising its massive curved claws, almost as if to caress your chin.

A pale light passes over the beast’s arm, intensifying just as the claw nears your eyes, before bursting into flame. The beast recoils in pain and can only writhe as the fire licks up and down the rest of the body. As the giant body falls to the floor, you hear it all turn to ash as the fire ceases. Thinking the matter is done, you turn your head back only to see a ghastly hand grip the side of the operating table you currently lie on. Before you can think, there are more ghastly hands as squat ghoulish bodies with unnerving looking faces climb on you, eventually filling your sight. The shock of such creepy looking creatures reaches a breaking point and your vision begins to fade. Your final glimpse is of a gaunt hand claiming your eyes.

The most bewitching voice calls out, “Ahh, you’ve found yourself a hunter.”


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