Lost downtown

New to the city, much to explore

Chapter 1 by andyarse andyarse

The usual complex of gay guys living in the sticks, Jason needed to escape his small town, it was the only reason to get a license and a job to get his beaten up car to get him the hell away from his soul destroying home!

Jason had to stop, the car wasnt going to take him any further. But he could see the lights of the city on the other side of a huge dense forest so knew he was still in the right direction. Abandoning his car Jason grabbed his backpack and started on the road. After half an hour the path had disappeared and his only choice was to go into the woods. Night was falling and the lights of the city and his final destination were becoming visible on the horizon. He wondered what experiences he would find there.

As the trees became denser the light was becoming sparse, the evening was fine and warm and the smell of pine was strong. Looking back he could vaguely see a clearing, probably another road track that he had missed and could have driven along, although the car was dead. The path was quite well trodden at least so walking was easy, Jason wondered when anyone had last been here. He noticed thrown away debris along the track and like Hansel and Gretel, decided to follow the trail. A clearing ahead opened out to an old tree in the centre, it had fallen down years ago and almost rooted itself again, it's head buried into the ground, the massive trunk bent over. A perfect place to sit and rest for a minute. Jason had grown up in the countryside, he was fit and earthy but young, the work of his youth had given him a toned physique and he wasn't tired from his walk but just wanted to stop and take stock of his adventure so far, escaping the monotony and sheltered life he had had before.

The umbrella of leaves above him was open here, the huge fallen tree had torn away the canopy revealing more of the sky and a good amount of light. He sat and looked around him, there was more debris here, scattered around the floor, some white and some ripped packets. It looked as if the area had been visited plenty. Through the darkening trees he saw car lights in the distance, he couldn't be too far from a road he thought. They seemed to curl around a bend and then out of sight. He was relieved in a way that he hadn't gone too far into the woods and civilisation was still close. He wondered if the driver was going to the city.

After a time and a sip from a bottle of water, Jason decided to carry on walking. Packing the bottle into his backpack he threw it over his shoulder and took a couple of steps. That's when he heard the cracking of twigs in the distance. He was not alone! Could it be an animal? It sounded quite large, maybe a deer? He stepped around the tree trunk, straining his eyes in direction of the movement. Then another crack, this time from behind him. Not knowing what to do he stayed close to the tree, the trunk felt like protection for now, but from what?! Leaves from bushes were also moving now and then he saw what the noise was coming from. It was a person! Was the other sound the same? Did they mean him harm? After all, he was alone, in a woods, sun almost gone. Jason hovered for a moment, not sure if he should hid or run. Then it was to late. A large man, over six foot, stepped through a gap in the trees and into the clearing. Had he seen him? Jason glanced around to where the other noise had come from and again another man stepped out from behind a tree.

What's next?

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