Lily’s Jackets

Puffer Fetish

Chapter 1 by supermanboss supermanboss

The autumn breeze blew a gust of fallen leaves in an invisible whirlwind, as Lily walked briskly to her dorm. The temperature had dropped suddenly during her last class, a chilling reminder that winter was coming. Lily loved the Fall colors and the season as well as the holidays and the enjoyment they brought. But there was one thing that Lily loved more than anything else. Her puffer coats. Although you would never realize it by watching her in public, Lily harbored a secret desire for the squishy nylon garments more so, I dare say, that anyone else could. She was much too careful not to wear them in public, as she was too self aware that people might stare and somehow know her most inner thoughts and therefore the knowledge of her desires would be free for anyone to see. Ordinarily, students would be spotted everywhere around campus wearing their own puffer coats and jackets, and to them, it was perfectly normal and only just a warm piece of clothing that maybe some thought stylish at most, but more than likely were only wearing them for the practicality. Lily, however, would steal glances at anyone wearing a puffer coat. She would notice instantly the brand and how the person was wearing the coat. The tingling she felt was a mixture of her feeling jealous that this person was able to wear their coat freely out in the world with no shame and embarrassment, but the other feeling came from deep within, a vibrating urge of sensual lust that motivated Lily to hurry on. She continued to her dorm, with her black boots sharply cracking on the sidewalk. Ahead she spotted a girl up ahead, headed towards her direction. The girl, Lily could tell by a glance that she was wearing a North Face Metropolis full length coat. The coat was a shiny bright red and not hard to miss. Lily attempted not to stare, and awkwardly stared at the path as she walked closer. She wanted so badly to touch the coat, the beauty of its shimmering material causing urges coursing through Lily’s body. Suddenly a thought crossed her mind and before she could talk herself out of it, she stopped and asked the girl,

“Hello, do you know where dorm 4 is located?” She asked, even though she already knew the answer. “I’m new here” she added.

The girl in the red coat stopped and showed a pretty smile, “Of course.” She replied, “You are headed in the right direction, but it’s a couple of turns.” Then she hesitated, trying to find a good way to explain it, but Lily knew it would be confusing, “I can show you if you like?”

Lily’s heart pounded with excitement. This girl in this gorgeous coat was going to show her the way and walk with her. She could not believe her luck, and as a conversation continued, Lily could not help but stare at the coat, which was swishing as the girl moved.

“My name is Nadia.” Came the girl’s friendly introduction, “I’m in the same dorm, so come on, I’ll walk you there.”

“I’m Lily.” She said holding out her hand. “And thank you so much for your help. You are so friendly and the directional signs around here suck.” Said Lily attempting to make up an excuse for her feigned ignorance. But then she couldn’t help herself. “I absolutely love your stunning coat!” Lily’s heart was again pounding at the thought of her saying something about the coat. She wanted nothing more than for the Nadia to talk about it, and her own love for coats, but of course Lily was dreaming. “Thank you,” said Nadia, “I love it too. It was a birthday present from my parents as a starting gift for school.” Lily wanted her to continue and pressed her for more. “What do you love about it Nadia?”

“Well,” she started, “It’s warm, sometimes even too warm! But it’s incredible for class when they keep the classrooms at a steady 60 degrees for god knows what reason.” Lily listened intently as Nadia spoke, the sound of the swishing nylon mixing with her voice. “Oh and I love the color. It’s so vibrant don’t you think?”

“Yes, it is! I think it’s beautiful,” stated Lily, not even lying, “It’s truly is stunning!” She said, but then again she pushed her luck. “Would you mind though,” she asked, “If I zip it up all the way? It would be a shame to wear such a coat improperly!” Nadia stopped short, a little confused. “Why?” She asked, prompting Lily to explain, stumbling over her words. “Well because, like I said, you can’t just wear such a beautiful coat, and not wear it properly. And….you’ll catch a cold in this weather.” Lily didn’t know if her plan would work, but she had never ventured out this far into any conversation, and her emotions were reeling, causing her to push it further. “Yeah, all right,” said Nadia with a little embarrassed smile. Lily moved in front of Nadia, took the zipper which was not even half way, and slowly and intentionally pulled the zip up higher and higher. As the zipper rose and Lily closed it passed her chest, the coat tightened its form around Nadia’s curves, showing them gracefully. Lily continued, gazing into Nadia’s eyes, with Nadia encaptivated in Lily’s stare, her smile widened as Lily pulled the zipper up to her mouth. Lily held the zipper in place with her fingers and her face close to Nadia’s, before letting go and stepping back from the now coat-encased girl. “Thanks,” said Nadia with some nervous energy. “I am a lot warmer now.” So was Lily.

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