Liara's Sexperiment

The chronicles of temptation, seduction, and domination

Chapter 1 by richardperson richardperson

"Down goes the last one"

Through the dusty haze of the desolate moon, the Shadow Broker agents finish off the last of the strange monks inhabiting the temple.

The agents were a fireteam of blue-skinned asari with a taller, paler asari at the helm. Asari are a blue-skinned species that inhabit the planet Thessia. They are one of the earliest races to achieve interstellar travel and the first to inhabit the Citadel. They have a unique physiology as they have several distinct features, they have semi-flexible tentacle-like cartilage in place of head hair. They have distinct facial markings that stand in the place of eyebrows. The Asari have a robust cellular regenerative system, although does not heal them faster, the system gives them lives averaging around one millenium. Asari lifetimes are divided in three distinct periods; Maiden stage which begins at puberty and lasts to around 350, Matron stage which lasts to 700, and finally the Matriarch stage which lasts till ****. Maidens are usually outgoing and explorers while Matrons are homebodies and they stay home to raise their young. Matriarchs are special because they are revered as wise and just. They serve their community as sages and councilors dispensing wisdom accrued from the centuries of experience and knowledge. The system of cellular regeneration allows asari to appear the same from stage to stage. For that reason, it is very difficult to judge the age of an asari.

As with most asari, the fireteam were well endowed on both the top and the bottoms of their figure. Although neither one could hold a candle to a matriarch's mature but sexy vibe, they still held the eyes of every man, woman and alien in the bar.

Captain Guranpi was the sexiest of the team but usually clashed it with her abrasive demeanor. She had slightly larger breasts than the rest of her team but never boasted or even used them to her advantage. Knowingly, of course. Her paler blue skin shone in the bright moon light and her full lips had a pouty look to them that made men want her and women want to be her. In accordance with her bust, her backside was larger than most enabling her to have the eyes of an entire bar as she left with her commandos. Combined with her tall, long legs, the Captain made for one sexy asari but the always serious attitude combined with her discipline ensured she never mated.

This team had been sent by the Shadow Broker to follow up on some intel obtained concerning an artifact. There had been some crazed monks living in and around the temple where the object was supposed to be and the commandos went about their business cleaning them out.

The Asari captain flanked by her commandos slowly swept the temple searching for any remaining hostiles when Lt. Hamd discovered the object. It was a small, flat discus shaped object. The Lt. shined her flashlight on it illuminating the dull, grayish object. "Doesn't look like much," thought Lt. Hamd.

The dull, gray object had been the sole desire of the Shadow Broker in recent months and using nearly all the Broker's resources and men, they had finally stumbled upon the artifact the Broker so desperately wanted.

"Ma'am, I've found something," called out Lt. Hamd, not wanting to get the Captain's hopes up and suffer her wrath.

The fireteam approached swiftly and soon surrounded the object.

"WHAT IS THIS," yelled the Captain. "YOU HAVE THIS OUT IN THE OPEN! What are you thinking?"

The Lt. was unable to answer before the Captain continued berated her for her lack of judgement.

"Get this through your skull. This object is of unknown origin. The last object that was of unknown origin was found on Eden Prime. You saw how that turned out. Our exo-suits are not equipped to handle this sort of radiation. CLEAR OUT," yelled the Captain to her women.

Grabbing her radio, the Captain called to her ship, the S.S.V. Konpeki for the specialized container sent by the Shadow Broker. Using a special blend of alloys including some of the metal that made up Sovereign, this six feet by six feet container was custom built to house artifacts of unknown origin. The Shadow Broker had sent it with them in anticipation of obtaining the object.

Twenty minutes later and the shuttle finally appeared on the Horizon. It was moving very slowly and its steering seemed sluggish at best. When the shuttle landed, the side door opened and lifted by two biotics in full radiation gear, the nearly twenty ton container was hoisted off the shuttle and to the opening of the temple. The two biotics were a rare set of identical twins named Chibusa and Shiri. These twins could pass for each other in a heartbeat. They had full C-cup breasts but their best feature was their plump but firm ass. These two had double teamed many a sailor only to leave him in a stupor repeating ass over and over.

"What took you so damn long? I could've fought the First Contact war in the time it took you all to get here," bemused the Captain.

"Ma'am, we are moving as fast as we can but this container is heavier than our shuttle," responded the engineer sent from the ship to supervise the move on the shuttle. Corporal Bukiyona was in training after graduating top her class from the premier technical college on Illium. She surprised nearly everyone when she signed on to work on the S.S.V. Konpeki as an engineer. She was short for an asari standing as five feet five inches and her height was about the only thing small on her. She had rather large breasts coming in at a human size of about Double D. Her skin was a very rare teal color and with her assets, she wat the wet dream of many a sailor. Her ass seemed to have little room in her tight armor to much displeasure of the Corporal. She was subject to a lot of razzing from her fellow crew members partially because she was the rookie and also because they were a bit jealous. Combined with her brains and features, the Corporal could have had her choice in job and mate. But she chose the S.S.V. Konpeki.

"The sooner we get the orb sealed up and off this rock, the sooner we can get some R & R on Illium. Get this done."

A few moments later the twin biotics trudged into the temple to the object's location. They used their biotics to lift the object into the container and they closed it and sealed it. Lifting the container back up they quickly left the tunnel to avoid the wrath of the busty captain.

The ship had also sent down radiation sensors to scan for any leakage. This Geiger counter of sorts started to beep as soon as the container exited the tunnel.

"What is that racket?" growled the Captain.

"Its the Gaiga sensor, Captain. It seems to pick up some radiation coming from the container," chirped the engineer.

"Its' almost a half a kilo away"

"The sensor is very sensitive," the engineer responded. Reaching for her radio, the engineer told the biotics to inspect the container for broken seals or cracks. Getting a thumbs up in response, the engineer asks "They responded with an all clear. Should I give them the go ahead Captain Guranpi?"

The Captain weighed the options of simply leaving the artifact here or continuing on mission.

Author's Log 1.0
This story is mainly episodic but I put it on here for the community to share. If you want to take this story light years away, feel free. If you are just here for the good reads, follow the Main Story signaled by the (MS).

Author's Log 1.1
I spell-checked noticed I got a few things misspelled. I will fix these from now on without a log entry as well as formatting, and other tweaks. Anything major like an addition or a major change to the plot line will go under the log.

Does The Captain Give The Ok?

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