League of Legends - Cosmic Debris

League of Legends - Cosmic Debris

First Contact on Runeterra

Chapter 1 by Krevmh Krevmh

Perhaps it’s easier to picture the size of space in terms of the number of unknown objects which scream harmlessly by a planet in a hundred year span than it is to conceive how small the chance is of something hitting a planet purely by accident.

This is why talk of these things bears so great a layer of qualification. It isn’t that something striking the planet’s surface from space is impossible, or that it should only be treated as the absolute last guess. But since the chances of something striking a planet are so low, the chance of them striking that planet by accident is the far greater unlikelihood. We should not assume the unexplained to be extraordinary, but the less likely something becomes, the more we must consider it purposeful.

In the soft quiet of night, the sky bulged and split in silence far enough away from human civilization to register as little more than a blip in the ecological radar. What started as a point of brilliance in the gloam bled fire across the sky and cast the horizon in the light of a brilliant imposter star. A fat tail behind it of vascular blue and freckled magenta like rotting starstuff in the evening light. The center point bled offshoots like a radiant spinneret. Each split far enough to either side of the mother, then sank like a stone, bleeding the night sky through the tail as they drew in the gas around them. In a moment, the sky sliced in a jagged wound as if by a blade. And in the next, re-sewn again. Leaving only the twinkling afterimage of a great cosmic light show. And when the new sun had fattened itself on a flaming trail across the sky and could hang in the air no longer, it dropped almost silently to the ground. Creating near enough to no crater, making no great din of noise, and returning the robbed dark to the land around it.

And it lay there waiting.

Who Finds It?

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