John, am I naked?

Clara can't tell what her body is wearing or doing

Chapter 1 by doge123 doge123

Clara, a 20-year-old high school student unable to recognize anything about the state of her body.

She doesn't feel or see the clothes as soon as she puts them on, and is unable to tell whether she is actually wearing them. However, if she has just put something on, she believes it's probably on her body.

She cannot register the sense of touch, so she won't notice her clothes are being snipped off unless she sees or hears it, but her body can still respond to touches and get aroused without her knowledge.

She will not see anything that is on her body.

She will not see or know what her own hands are doing, unless there is supposed to be a clear indication (like writing).

However, she is otherwise intelligent and mentally healthy, and will try to deduce what is happening to her.


This is just a guideline, feel free to have whoever as your protagonist.

Who has this condition and why?

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