It's Josh's world now

When mind control powers fall into pervy hands...

Chapter 1 by sumesest sumesest

I am woken up from one of the deepest sleeps I have ever had by my mother. She's hanging over me, shaking me vigorously.

"Josh, get off your ass, it's noon already!" She yells at me.

"Oh my god just leave me alone!" I yell back, groggy and cranky. I'm greeted by her silence, which makes me look up at her. My mother is staring off into space, completely silent, which surprises you as she never lets you have the last word in any argument.

"Mom?" I ask, "Is everything alright?" She doesn't say anything back to me, she just blankly stares off into the distance with glazed eyes. "Hey mom, I'm still here" I continue, "Say something!"

"What would you like me to say?" She replied. Her response confused me, and I started to think that something was desperately wrong

"What the fuck is wrong!?" I shout, terror gripping at my heart as I start racing to conclusions.

"Nothing is wrong Josh, you told me to leave you alone so I did, now what would you like me to do?" She replied.

"Go back to normal, please" I say, a lump forms in my throat. For a moment she just stood there, looking like she'd be a brainless **** for the rest of her life, when suddenly her expression changed.

"Good, your up. Don't expect me to make you breakfast, if you wanna eat, make your own food" she continued sternly. However, I've lost my appetite. I went downstairs to try to forget what happened by watching TV.

I'd almost forgotten about the start of the day when someone walks into the living room. I turned around and saw...

Who walks into the room?

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