
You get a power to control the first reactions of those around you

Chapter 1 by Punisher Punisher

This story is open for anyone to add to. I know I’m not a great writer and I’m sure a lot of you will write better stuff than I could, so feel free to add anything that you think would be interesting. I’ll put a writing guide at the bottom about how I want the powers to work. Be creative with not just what the characters do, but how they get around the limits of the powers.

“I can’t talk for very long, so shut up and listen to me.”

Disoriented and confused, I suddenly realized that I was in my childhood bedroom, despite that building having burnt down two years ago.

“Are you listening? I need you to focus.” said the (oddly naked) woman in front of me, slapping me and bringing me back to the moment. “I need to pass on the torch that is my power and you’re the best choice I could find.”

“And that power would be what exactly?” I asked her, trying to get an answer to at least one of my many questions.

“I was getting to that. I have the ability to guide the reactions of other people. This isn’t totally controlling them, just slightly pushing them in the direction that I want. Now I need to give this ability to someone else, and I couldn’t find anyone better than you. So, with that out of the way, I think we have time for one question.”

Between all of the ‘what can I do with this?’, ‘what can’t I do with this?’, ‘how far did you manage to go?’, ‘why me?’, ‘why are you naked?’ somehow the question I blurted out was “how and why are we in my room that burned down two years ago?”

Looking surprised by the question, she answered “That’s because I thought this would be the room that you would be the most comfortable in, given it’s the room you know best. I would have expected a more practical question about the power from you, but I guess I had you wrong.”

Just as I was about to ask her something else, I barely registered her fist moving before it collided with my chin, snapping my head back and waking me up.

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