

You get a chance to hypnotise your crush.. what do you do?

Chapter 1 by cameronfair cameronfair

You wake up and sit up, the room's still pitch black. You glance across at your alarm clock, the fluorescent green is almost blinding as you read, "4:27am". You sigh and roll back over, pulling the blanket onto your shoulder as you settle back into bed. Just as you drifting back off to sleep a piercing beeping sound resonates around the room, causing you to sit straight back up. That's the sound you've been waiting for. You jump eagerly out of bed and quickly sit in your computer chair, spinning so you're facing the computer as you grab blindly in the dark for your mouse, and give it a shake.

The computer lights up instantly and you're greeted by a Skype window, with a chat flashing on the side. You click it quickly.

LUCY: Yea, I didn't finish it all. Did you?

You look up at Lucy's profile picture, she recently changed one and your eyes are instantly drawn to her cleavage. You feel yourself growing hard as you quickly minimize the skype window and open up HypnoSkype.exe - the application opens instantly and you're greeted with the option to 'Run' or 'Cancel'. You hit run and almost squeal in excitement as your Skype window pops back up instantly, and jibberish begins to by typed into the chat. It takes minutes for the nonsense to finally be typed in, you read it briefly and can't discern anything besides the fact that it's a bunch of random words and numbers. The app automatically sends the message, and after a few more seconds Lucy begins typing a reply. You watch the symbol which tells you she's typing for a moment when it suddenly disappears and you're left staring at the random wall of text. Has it worked?

What's next?

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