Humiliation of Carol and Kamala

Humiliation of Carol and Kamala

Carol and Kamala get Humiliated

Chapter 1 by PowerRangerFan PowerRangerFan


Carol Danvers dressed in her Captain Marvel gear waits for Kamala to get dressed into her Ms.Marvel getup as they prepare to go and take care of some business. Kamala comes out ready to go now as the both of them travel to the the planet that there heading to. "So are the Aliens on this planet Green?" asked Kamala whos never seen a Alien in person. "Very little amount of Aliens are actually green" Carol answers annoyed at the question asked.

They walk up to the Army men of the Planet who are there to transport Carol and Kamala to the main area where they will be discussing what to do next in the on going Battle. "Hello Captain Marvel, Nice to have you and your friend here today" Said one of the Generals of the Planets army greeting the two heroes. "So I'd assume you want me here to help in your War?" Carol asks after having been contacted to come here alongside Ms.Marvel.

"Well actually you see we wanted you here for something a little different then what you expected" The general says which worries Carol slightly.

Why did they want Carol and Kamala there?

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