

Chapter 1 by Brown94 Brown94

The Elder God of Greek Mythology Gaea

Mother Earth

She sees along with other females from different religions and Mythologies about Naruto.

She read the prophecy about the Chosen one.

All the females did and it put Naruto in a different light.

So it was decided to bring Naruto there and make sure that he is going to the DC Universe.

With Naruto

Naruto appears before the gods of all the Myths and elder gods.

They see him and decide with help of the source to send him to the DC Universe and become something over there.

He will have to overcome a lot of obstacles and have sex with many woman. It will bot be easy as many heroes and heroines will come after Naruto as nany evil people do , so he must keep his head on point.

Geae however isn't the only god that see this. Many male and female gods see this and they are thinking the same thing. As they are all thinking a long these lines.

" How can I help the young boy." They all thought.

However what the females where thinking where different.

"They wanted him for themselves.

" Wow he has potential" The females thought.

so Naruto Journey begins now.

What should happen next

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