Harry Potter and the Aging Potion

Chapter 1 by darkblaze012 darkblaze012

“Was this done right,” Ginny asks, looking at the vial of the stone cold red potion in her hands with some concern. It was the class project of the fifth and sixth year Potions class to produce an Aging Solution – to be completed outside of class time. Harry’s group included Ginny, Ron, Hermione, Pansy Parkinson, Parvati Patil, Neville Longbottom, and Hannah Abbott.

Hermione sniffed the almost non-existent fumes of the potion and nodded, “Of course. We followed the directions to the letter! How could it be wrong?” Pansy sneered at her and Hannah just shrugged.

“Well,” sighed Harry, holding the vial to his mouth, “let’s get this over with!”

As one, they all swallowed the sickeningly cold potion.

Changes immediately started – everyone except Ron grew a little taller. As Harry’s skinned stopped crawling because of his increased height, he began to notice certain differences that came across his fellow students… namely the girls at the table.

Checking out Ginny first, Harry took a moment to appreciate her toned, 18 year old figure. Her legs were longer, her breasts were fuller, and she looked very seductive in her now slightly tighter clothes. She also gained a slight tan, losing her pale-ghostly skin.

Hermione lost the remainder of her bushy hair – it was now sleek and straight; she looked like she just walked out of a hair-product commercial. She was very slightly taller with a compact figure, but her skin was now tanner than it was a few moments ago.

Pansy was drastically changed by the potion, losing her piggish look and ingrained sneer and morphed into an extremely sexy young woman. She lost some weight and now had a very seductive smirk on her face.

Parvati wasn’t changed much – she merely gained a few inches in height and acquired a very slightly bigger butt and larger breasts. She still looked like an Indian goddess, but no more than usual.

Hannah, however, had by far the most noticeable change – she maintained her slightly plump figure (perhaps now slightly overweight as opposed to moderately) and kindly face, but it was her breast size that drew the attention of everyone in the room and caused her to hastily cover up. Her breasts, already large for her age, increased dramatically in size – enough for them to pop the buttons off her blouse, revealing her extremely strained blue bra!

Tearing his gaze away from the tantalizing sight of Hannah’s massive boobs, Harry muttered, “W-well, it worked…”

As usual, Hermione provided the voice of reason, “We should get started on the second part of the project – determining if our magic is made stronger due to artificial aging. To do that, we need to look up more advanced spells… Um… Ron, will you come with me to the library?”

Ron just managed to stutter out a shaky “yes” and dreamily followed Hermione out of the room.

“I’ll take Hannah and Parvarti to the Room of Requirement – we all need to work on our spellwork, you know, before we get to harder stuff,” said Neville, surprisingly confident. Boldly taking Hannah by the hand (she used her other hand to continue covering her chest) he led her out of the room, followed by Parvari.

“I’ll go back to the Common Room to study for my test tomorrow,” stated Ginny, gathering her belongings. She obviously didn’t realize that she flashed Harry a view of her white panties, due to her taller statue no longer matching the length of her skirt. “See you later, Harry!”

That left Harry alone with Pansy, who was eyeing the Boy-Who-Lived with a calculating expression. Twisting around in her seat to face him, Harry was fairly certain she was intentionally spreading her legs – and she wasn’t wearing any underwear.

What does Pansy want?

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