Green & Pink

Chapter 1 by Dr. Boombastic Dr. Boombastic

You're with your girlfriend John, in line to get on the metro bus. You dot see her as often as you'd like to, so you try make your time together last.
The bus line quantity quickly drops as you and John make your way up the driver to pay for your ride. You then head to the back of the bus where you usually sit.

John turns to you and smiles, "we have a few hours to kill, where do you think we should go?"

You pause to think of the thing the both of you can enjoy but you come up blank.

"Evan asked if we would want to come over. He usually has some weed to share if you wanna go do that." She says.

"Sure I'm fine with that."
You smile as you remember why you like her so fucking much again.

The both of you wait for the bus to get near Evan's house, then decide to walk the rest of the way there. During the few minutes you have to walk you two laugh and talk about the new album of your favorite band, Pig ****.

In a matter of time, you find yourselves knocking on the front door to Evan's house. It takes about 30 seconds for him to answer the door, but when he does you can already smell the stench of pot from his clothes.

"Hey guys why dont ya come in, my dad'll be here in a few hours but we got just enough time smoke for awhile"

You toss your jackets on the couch as you make your way into his bedroom.

It's a chill place. Nice, if you're fine with writing on the walls, along with posters and a mattress on the floor for a bed. Had sheets and pillows on it at least.

Evan goes to sit down in desk chair and pulls out a bong about a foot long. You admire how nice it is as he cleans it and loads it up with more bud.

John sits down the mattress, er bed. You decide to sit and join her. It's much comfier than you would've thought, you could lay down on this forever, you think to yourself.

Evan takes the first hit and passes it to me as he exhales the smoke from his lungs. I do the same, and the pattern continues as the piece is passed around in a circle between you, Evan and John.

Within minutes you guys are all telling each other stupid stories of times they've hung out. Within a few more minutes, you all are laughing until it becomes a challenge to stop.

Evan gets up saying, "I'm gonna go find something to eat I'll be back in just a sec." He leaves and shuts the door partially.

You look at John and she just can't stop grinning. You smile back and lean in to kiss her.

She accepts and returns the kiss harder, pushing your head back just a little. You use your tongue to fight against John's as you feel her hand start moving up your leg to your thigh. You press your mouth harder against hers, as if to tell her to go on. John obliges by rubbing her hand over your crotch. This is making you rock hard and she knows it.

You hear Evan start to come back, so you hold off your kissing for a bit. He come in the room with a bag if chips in his hand, it's pretty obvious what we've been doing.

He sits down and continues to smoke and eat his newly found chips in between.

In the midst of eating his chips, I glance at John who's playfully making a hand gesture of one finger going through an "ok" sign made by her other hand down in her lap. You catch her lips mouthing the words "want" and "fuck" in between smiling. Though some are lost in translation, the point has gotten across to you. You nod your head with impatience, awaiting what happens next.

Evan has finally finished his bag if chips after looking for any morsels left in the package. John leans into his ear and whispers something that you can't hear. He nods back with no problem and stands up.

"Looks like I'm out of food. I'm gonna go run to the 711 to but some more you guys can stay here if you want" he tells us before leaving his house.

finish what you started?

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