Generation Sex: Survivors In A New Age

A MysterioPark Anthology

Chapter 1 by mysteriopark mysteriopark

A military weapon has eliminated most of the population as far as most are aware. Most technology has been rendered useless and what little technology works has still put humanity in a difficult position. The few scientific minds that remain have noticed strange behavior in survivors. Women have been experiencing intense sexual desire and procreation slowly becomes an obsession for survivors. At first it just seemed like a logical influence of psychology due to our biology and the state of the world but the obsession keeps getting worse.

Unable to truly come to any conclusions radio broadcasts have signaled for households to quarantine and separate genders if at all possible for the time being. The nature of the weapon attack is still unknown and side effects could be a factor. One things is for sure, something weird is going on and our scientists with limited resources are becoming nervous they won't find answers in time.

Below are a collection of stories from survivors. Some being close to the detonation of this weapon, unknowing witnesses to the events that follow. Others being tales from the experts themselves possibly learning not through research but by becoming victims themselves. One thing is for sure, people are horny and it is getting hot.

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