Fit MILF Adventures

Fit MILF Adventures

Improv story

Chapter 1 by derekjones7399 derekjones7399

Sofia Perez:
Age: 35
Height: 5'6
Weight: 150 lbs
Breast Size: 32DD

Sofia has two young boys that are 4 and 6 and went through a divorce recently. Now living in the inner city she struggles to keep up with payments and keeping her kids safe in a crime ridden neighborhood. Her job is long hours and she is running out of money quickly. The boss she currently has knows she is an illegal immigrant and constantly abuses his power over her. Whether it's slapping her ass in the morning or giving her some extra cash in exchange for a blowjob at the end of the evening, her boss uses Sofia in any way possible. With this horrible situation and circumstance, what will she do to make ends meet??

Current Savings: $0
Current Checking: $645
Loans: -$175,000

Rent: -$1125/month
Daycare: -$1000/month
Groceries: -$400/month
Misc. Payments: -$800/month

Income: $2500/month 60 hour weeks

As one can see, Sofia is struggling and she is starting to panic. Without any support she will most likely get evicted, end up homeless and lose her kids. What can she do? One thing she hasn't done is use her most valuable asset, her body. In the current city she is in, it is very common for women of her looks to go into fetish and sex modeling/servicing. She is constantly gawked at by men at every age but does she have the mental endurance to deal with selling her body and soul to make ends meet? She could go into many professions that would get her shunned from her family but also provide enough to get by. Such professions are:


  • Dayshift: $5000/month (People walk into the booth and you service)
  • Nightshift: $6000/month (Same as above)

Fetish Wrestler/Fighter:

  • $10,000/month (Includes health benefits, but high risk of injury)


  • $8000/month (Customers book appointments in advance)

Hands on Sex Ed teacher:

  • $3000/month (18/19 year old virgin boys attend a class where they get to experiment with Sofia's body. Only 20 hours a week though)

Traditional Prostitute:

  • $7500+/month (Independent work. Other fetishes and services have a governing body to protect, here Sofia will operate on her own which is VERY high risk)

Tomorrow is Monday morning and the start of a new week..... How does Sofia fair?

What happens to her?

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