Fictitious high

High school, just fictional.

Chapter 1 by Gillbo Gillbo

An annoying beeping jolts you out of bed. You get up grudgingly and get dressed, you couldn’t be late to school on your first day. You walk over to your bathroom and begin your morning rituals, then give yourself a look over in the mirror, your name is mark, you’ve just turned 19, you have brown hair, reaching the length of your nose, the style is parted to reveal your slightly above average face, with a small cut on your forehead from a small accident a few days ago. Overall your a good looking and laid back guy.

As your morning progresses, you hype yourself up to the return to school, despite your age, everyone else has gone through a similar phase, due to a two year long period of brinkmanship between the US and China. “Wait a minute, when the hell did that happen?” You think to yourself, then run back to the mirror to see clothes you didn’t buy, hair you didn’t grow and a bathroom with appliances you didn’t know existed. It’s still your house, your everything to be exact, only you now realize that the world has changed, you check your phone for news and see BNN and JACKAL as the dominant news stations. You gasp in awe, just yesterday you were in college somewhere in Italy as an exchange student. Only now, your back in America still in your junior year of high school.

Still in disbelief, you decide to catch the bus to school after you see an empty space in your driveway where your car should be.

What’s the bus like?

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