Eastbrook High

Eastbrook High

New school, New you.

Chapter 1 by Mr. Sea Mr. Sea

Starting the day at your new school, Eastbrook High School, you enter the main office. "Hello! You're late, let me check you in." The office woman remarks, "Oh I'm new sorry, I was told it starts now". "Oh that's fine" She smiles, shifting her glasses and looking you up and down, "You look rather cute in that uniform Hun, I won't lie, you made my heart skip a beat" She grins. "So what's your name?", "It's Ezekial, and you are?". "Well usually students call me Ms. O, but you can call me Beth" Winking at you.

"Well nice to meet you Beth, I'll make sure to come talk if you're free on lunch break? It's always good to get some tips on the new school" You smirk, "Sure, meet me around the back of the school on the small field, usually staff and students don't talk, but I'm sure no one will find out.. Well! Off to your new class now Ezekial. "I'll see you at lunch Beth", She blushes, playing with her glasses.

First Class

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