Drinking Lighting

Drinking Lighting

Not dying is pretty good. Getting something for not dying is even better.

Chapter 1 by lunchbox0924 lunchbox0924

Its official. I hate my life.

My girlfriend of 7 months dumped me just a few minutes ago for a the jock across the hall just because he has a mind and a body she could love. That dick is as intelligent as a bag of rocks even though that would be insulting to the rocks. Gwen was her name and man she was amazing in every single way from looks to social skills, but the one thing she never had going for her was a good temper. If you even blinked wrong in her direction when she was mad you would wish to be in another galaxy. That fucking hollow-headed moron stole her from me even though he's only at this college since his father is the football coach who wants to get his son "out there in the world". He was a bench warmer every football game we had in high school and he was still shit at that. I worked my ass off for 4 years, sacrificed my whole social life, and even passed up some possible relationships to be at the top of the academic charts. I got there but at a cost with having no friends other than the one: Ted Mundy the smartest guy I know other than me.. I don't know how I got to keep him around but some how meeting him in Junior pre-cal, lending him a pencil and never getting it back is how it all started. He's that one guy you would see and think he's gonna be one of those high school dropouts who vanish off the face of the planet. He was the exact opposite though since he never missed a test, assignment, answer, party or anything really I can think of since he's always on top of things. I wish I could go back and actually try to be social instead of being secluded.

Breaking my train of though I turned off my phone through which Gwen dumped from over text. I moved to the bathroom of my good sized dorm which I shared with Ted but he was out right now probably banging another nerdy chick. Looking in the mirror I saw my face for the ten billionth time in my life and sighed at my saddening appearance. Through my not getting much with studying I have not gained any fat or muscle on my body other than what is needed and my height of 5'10 wasn't helping my shape either. My hair always naturally parted to the right and over time took on a very light brown color to it. My eyes always annoyed me since they are just the color of poop while everyone else has the really bright colorful eyes to show off to the whole damn world. A scar always prominent on my head if I didn't part my hair over it which was caused by an incredibly stupid attempt to fight off a bully who stole my AP Physics textbook to which he just clocked me square in the face and then into a locker. Splashing water on my face doesn't help with the feeling of emptiness I feel in my chest after I truly adsorbed the fact that she isn't going to be around anymore. Hearing the counter buzz I look over to my phone to find that Ted texted me "Going 2 mountains wit pals you should com wit us". The idea of Ted having friends to go to the mountains with just pushes the feeling of being an outcast farther into my soul. Fuck it I'm going with, maybe I could get with some of Ted's people and pull myself of this friendless zone. "Sounds like fun. When?" Ted says this weekend and that gives me about a few days to pack.

Maybe this trip will be good for me.

How does the trip go?

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