Dragon Age: Ruins

Dragon Age: Ruins

The Aftermath of Solas removing the Veil!

Chapter 1 by Ragnockae136 Ragnockae136

(997 Years Earlier)

Aanasterian III was on his knees defeated by the Elven Gods who were now free from their Slumber, and Had killed His Friends, but his Wife had managed to escape the Genocide. He had refused to Yield, and as they readied their Magic to blast him Away he was at peace. ''Before you blast me away, Know this, one day, be it Tomorrow or a Thousand Years from Now, One of my Descendants will defeat you!'' Says the Inquisitor as Elgar'nan murders him.


Thedas had been all but destroyed by the Elven Pantheon, Many Humans were now Slaves. Orlais was in Ruins, Ferelden was In quick decline, and Only the Anders, Avarr, and Nevarran's and Rivaini still persisted in spite of the Elven Pantheon. The Dwarves of Kal'Sharok, Orzannmmar, Gundaar, and Hormak still persisted as well, but their military might was a token of the token it once was.

Their were of course many rebel movement's against these Tyrants, but none of them were officially Organised. Until today........

(Ruins of Skyhold)

Many of the Oppressed had gathered in the Ruined Fortress of Skyhold, they were there because one man had brought hem together, he was the last Scion of Inquisitor Trevelyen, he was Aanasterian VIII Trevelyen. He had saved all of these people from a life of Injustice and Slavery at these Godly Hands of Knife-Ears. And this was where the official Declaration of Rebellion would be declared.

Who are the Major Players? (Besides Trevelyen of course))

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