Dragon Age: Darkness

Chapter 1 by darkblaze012 darkblaze012

It has been four centuries since the world was almost brought to ruin by the darkspawn horde and the Archdemon. Now a new darkness is gathering in the south and you are called to defend Ferelden against the coming storm!

What class of Grey Warden are you?

Choices: (You are welcome to add more!)

Warrior - strong and muscular, you charge into battle blade and sword swinging to rend your foes in twain. You know what you want and you will slash or intimidate your way to your goals.

Rogue - quick and dexerious, you sneak behind enemy lines and wreak havoc with your poisoned arrows and daggers. You avoid direct paths in favor of more cunning flexibilty.

Mage - powerful and dangerous, you rain destruction and pestilence upon your enemies. Beware, your powers are both a blessing and a danger to both yourself and everyone around you.

What is your main class?

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