Delegates of mysteries

Tale of two magi

Chapter 1

Armchair felt comfortably sturdy after full day of work. Fire crackled and warmed whole room while casting ominous shadows on painting over the fireplace. Wine glass felt firm as it rested partially on arm of the chair. Anton had a peculiar way of making himself scarce whenever there would be trouble - his talents served him well that had to be admitted. There were two ways to control such persons - to make them want to do what you wanted and to make sure every choice they could make would serve you well. It was almost like playing Go - always giving several choices asking the other 'what is it that you truly want?' always gaining yourself something a bit after bit. Only with person like Anton you could not truly make gambits that relied on luck or mistakes as they would never come to be - and that made them all the more exiting people to know.

It was easy to understand that cocky smile as world truly loved one such as him.

Tomorrow there would be a council meeting over minute details of how to deal with this menace of gremlins and everybody would be expected to participate and to contribute for good of the community. There ought to be a chance or two to make friendly overtures to him - it had not escaped notice of even dullards of the council that Anton appreciated chiselled beauty of males. As long as Hobson felt Anton as unsuitable partner it would be easy to be volunteered as one - everybody knew Boris would not tolerate anyone or anything that even had a whiff of mutual appreciation. Games of councils became more game like as long as there were these unwritten rules that decreased number of true options. Set newcomers to work with each other to make teams was one of the most obvious ones.

This would work out just fine.

Whose viewpoint comes next?

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