Cuddle Bestie

Cuddle Bestie

Spooning is not Forking

Chapter 1 by ntaylor ntaylor

My roommate likes cuddles, she told me already several times. First time I met her was a surprise for me. The top swimmer of the club, that all girls dream to date likes to ... wear a dress at home. The rent was cheap, so ... Who cares. Roomate, landlord and hugger ... That's how I describe her.

We have several interests in common, and more then one time we've been watching a movie together, and doesn't matter how big is the screen of the laptop ... we're cuddling.

As a cuddle lover, she belongs to a cuddle community and goes to cuddle parties. I had no idea what that was. For me hugging and snuggling is how I passed my childhood. Not enough blankets ? Cuddle. A friend needs a place to sleep ? Cuddle.

After entering college I could see that I lived in a bubble, and the world is not like that. So after finishing my useless studies, it's vacation time. Useless, yes. Who cares about the names of the rivers, if you are going to be cashier ? Useless waste of time ... But it's over. I can now live my life. I have my room, the rent is affordable, I have a job ... Life is great.

She asked if she could organise a cuddle party at home. That surprise me a lot. It's her home, and she's asking me that ? This is how deep her idea of consent is ... I said yes, and asked if she wanted me to leave ... for them to be more comfortable. She smiled and said something about being inclusive or something ... I don't care much about that things, but she asked me to stay at kitchen service. I am not a great cook, but serving glasses of milkshakes and teas ... Even I can do that. She prepared all, the milkshakes are in the jars, the tea in the pot, and the snacks in the boxes. I am just serving it for anyone that shows up.

Apparently food in the room disturbs the energy ... whatever that means ... I think it's a fancy way to say messy. Accidents happen, and if the food is all in the kitchen ... it's easier to clean. Simple, but she takes that energy things personally, so I respect when she said that the milkshakes are filled with life human energy ... some day I might understand what that is ...

She showed me her card, and asked my opinion. I said it was too honest. Spooning naked ... Honest, but who would accept that ? She smiled to me and said that she was giving an example. It was the most honest card she could think of ...

What's next?

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