

Futa cop is on top

Chapter 1 by Luke575 Luke575

“Get over here and take a shot Luke!” I couldn’t tell which of my friends was yelling it from the bar, but I felt my stomach churn in protest at the thought of having yet another shot tonight. The room was already spinning, my normal eloquence had been severely inhibited, and as mentioned, my stomach was protesting me greatly.

Without acknowledging my friends, I decided to slip out before the night got too out of hand. It was already 1 am and we had been there since 9, drinking at an alarming pace to normal people. The night had been going great, I was having fun, laughing, drinking, telling stories and being merry as they say. However, I had reached the point where the beer smell permeating the establishment was intolerable to me and the mashing bodies seemed more hazardous than worth dealing with. Sure I could have stayed and probably hooked up with one of the girls I’m friends with, but i had gotten into a more introspective mood as I kept drinking.

A little about me before I continue. I’m 21 years old, pretty handsome so I’m told, with hazel eyes, brown hair normally styled short and a bit of stubble to age myself up a bit. I’m a little shorter than I’d like at 5 foot 8, but I have some muscle which helps, and a big ass. Not fat mind you, but big and I’m often complimented on it, which I find weird but it is what it is. Normally, I’m the happy, loud, and friendly guy without a care in the world, but for whatever reason, I wasn’t feeling it any longer tonight.

So I left...

Is he drunker than he thought?

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