Console Commands

If life is a simulation, someone has to be in control, right?

Chapter 1 by RatDungReggie RatDungReggie

A/N: This is my low effort story. Don't expect good plot or large chapters.

There's an age old question that every dumb ass asks at 3am on a school night.

What if life is a simulation? What if I'm not real? What if the universe is some god's complicated game of sims?

Well, congrats. You were right.

Life IS a simulation, and someone has to run it. When a man approaches you and tells you as such, you brush him off. He's probably drunk or something, right? But then the dude teleported you into the ocean and you were a much better listener after that.

Still a dick move by the way, you had swimmers ear for a week!

In any case, he explained some stuff about what was going on. Something, something, climate change, something, something, needing to adapt. You don't know, you weren't really listening.

When he got to the part about running the simulation though, you were all ears. You had always been a model human. Hardworking, smart, respectful of others. But your dark secret? It was all an act. Society expected you to be good, so you acted good. It was why the man picked you in the end. See, even in a simulation, the technology can't read minds per se. It can alter minds, but it can't actually see what you're thinking. That's probably how you got away with all this.

What does 'all this' mean in the context presented to you? I'll explain. The old man was dying, and needed someone to run the simulation. So, he found someone completely unproblematic, and diligent, and decided to hand off duties while he went somewhere to die.

'Who is this lucky son-of-a-gun? You ask' you ask, rhetorically I hope.

Well, surprise, surprise! It's you champ! Congratulations.

Before he fucked off, the man handed you a manual. Pretty simple information in the end. You hand to treat human minds, and the simulation too, like it was a 5 year old that took everything literally. Or like a genie who likes to pick the worst possible way to fulfill your wish. If you wanted something done, you had to be VERY specific. Commands in the console you were given should be typed as so:

[CMND: (Who you want to effect):(what you want to do)]

With such an advanced computer system running this thing, you don't need command presets, you can be pretty liberal. But I can't stress this enough, you need to be specific!

An example of a good command would be:


That command would make all human women have blonde hair. An example of a terrible command? I'm glad you asked!

An example of that would be:


See, the computer doesn't understand 'redheads', and can't differentiate between female humans, and animals. What would this command do? I don't know, I'm not dumb enough to run it. But it would probably give every female creature in the a red head. Like turkeys. You want that? No? Me neither. Don't run that.

Now, with all this info dumped on you, and the power of the sun in the palm of your hand, how will you use it? ****

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