Commander's Saga

Commander's Saga

That Time I Woke Up In the Future and Became Commander of a Squad of Beautiful Women who are Half Nude

Chapter 1 by OverwatchDva OverwatchDva

You awoke in a state of the art medical facility. Around you were nurses and doctors, all scrambling, watching monitors with vitals, x-rays, and such. Even in your delirious state you could very well tell that all of them were extremely attractive. Large breasts, soft thighs, all of it seemed unprofessional, to say the least, but you were in no position to complain, not that you wanted to.

"He's awake!"

A female doctor with brown hair runs over to you. "Don't be alarmed," She tells you, "I know things are confusing right now but everything will be alright. All that you need to know is that you're safe." You feel a puncture in your arm that causes you to wince. The dizziness in your head goes away almost immediately. Everything steadies and you take in the sights around you.

"My name is Dr. Gloria. What is your name?"

Author Note: All art used in this story by me is AI generated. If you wish to add to this story, please message me.

The AI used for the art is NovelAI

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