Brother's Girlfriend

A customizable revamp of a classic

Chapter 1 by kilometers kilometers

Simply put, my brother John’s girlfriend was a knockout.
Her name was Katie Doe, and she was one of the nicest and
sexiest girls at our school. She was in 12th grade, like my brother, and she was going to turn eighteen in two months.
She had dazzling green eyes, cute freckled skin, and the most
beautiful smile I’d ever seen. Her hair was red, and she
wore it short in what I call Egyptian style--cut even across
the forehead with long sides. She was tall and slender, with
a nice chest and a gorgeous butt. Despite her looks, she was
a little shy, and I think I fell in love with her the first
time John brought her home.
She was nice to me, but I wasn’t exactly Mr. Popular, or a
jock like my brother. I was pretty sure I’d never have a
chance with a girl like her. I was also two years younger
and a sophomore, and though I did play soccer, I wasn’t
anywhere as built or even as good-looking as John. In fact,
he and I were about as different as night and day. He got
the looks and the muscle, and I got the brains (for what
they’re worth) and the imagination. By the same token, John
gets the girls, and I get the good grades. Some deal, huh?
Anyway, they had been seeing each other for about two months,
and I was beginning to wonder miserably how far John had
managed to worm his way into her pants.

Then, one fateful Wednesday, I found out. My soccer
practice had been canceled, as our tyrannical coach had a
doctor’s appointment, hopefully have his head removed from his
ass. I found myself getting home around three-thirty, a good
hour before usual, and when I noticed Katie’s blue Honda
parked in the driveway, I immediately became suspicious. Our
parents didn’t get off work until seven, so that meant that my
brother and his girlfriend were all by themselves in the house.
Or, so they thought.
Quietly, I unlocked the door and went inside. I really
doubted that I’d catch them doing anything, but it was fun to
be sneaky anyway. I walked down the hall to the stairs, and
had just started to head up when I heard a quiet noise from
the living room. It almost sounded like a moan, but I told
myself I’d just imagined it. But, after a split-second of
hesitation, I turned around and went to investigate.
My heart pounding with suspense, I peeked around the corner
into the living room to see my brother as he squatted naked on
the couch over Katie’s chest. She had her hand wrapped around
the red, wet-looking shaft of his dick, and as she squeezed
and pumped it, he groaned and threw his head back. I watched
in shock and amazement as my brother’s dick twitched and
spurted a jet of thick white sperm onto his girfriend’s
upturned face. She was lying on her back on the couch with
her skirt up around her waist, her panties in a heap on the
I felt a sudden burst of adrenaline, most of which seemed to
go to my cock, and my chin was probably scraping the floor.
Even without my imagination, it wasn't hard to guess what
they'd been doing. I tried to get a look at Katie’s naughty
parts, but I couldn’t because John was kneeling above her chest
on the sofa, blocking my view. His cock was bobbing and
jumping twitching in Katie’s hand as it squirted a few last
gooey wads of cum onto her chin. She had her lips and eyes
tightly closed, and I couldn’t tell if she was enjoying it,
though it was rather obvious that John was.
Watching my brother’s beautiful girlfriend take his hot
load on her mouth almost made me spew mine into my pants. She
looked up at him with her bright green eyes, seemingly
unashamed that several dollops of thick, stringy boy-cum were
sticking to her cute lips. Her freckled cheeks were rosy pink,
and she was breathing quickly. God, she looked hot. Suddenly,
more than anything in the world, I wanted it to be me that she
was looking at. Me who had just pumped a sack-full of warm nut
juice onto her homecoming-queen face.
John suddenly groaned again, and I saw that Katie was running
her long tongue underneath the purple head of his softening
prick. She jerked it gently with her hand, seeming to want
"Sorry, babe," John mumbled as he got to his feet. "I’m late
for practice." Like the true gentleman he is, he grabbed her
panties and wiped the last traces of jizz from his cock, then
dropped them to the floor. "You’d better get dressed," he said,
tugging on his shorts. "My little brother’ll be back soon."
She gave his back a disappointed look as he sauntered into
the bathroom, and I scowled at him as well. Frankly, John was a
pig, even though I envied him. Well, as much as I could envy
anyone whose only sexual education came from watching porno
movies while guzzling beer. In fact, that was probably where he
had gotten the inspiration to spurt off on her face.
Katie grimaced and wiped her mouth on her already cum-
smeared panties, then swung her long legs to the floor. I held
my breath hopefully, but her skirt fell down between her thighs
before I could see anything. John came out and began rummaging
around for his football equipment, and to avoid being seen, I
ducked back down the hall and out the door. I went around back
so I wouldn’t have to see my brother when he left.
John was usually an okay guy, but with girls he seemed to be a
real asshole. He was so self-absorbed that I was surprised they
could put up with him. But, for some inexplicable, masochistic
reason, I’d noticed that a lot of women seemed to be attracted
to guys like that. His philosophy about sex also seemed to be of
the Get It Up, Get It In, Get It Off, and Get Her Out variety,
which was a pathetic shadow of the things I’d do in his place.
I’d looked at Katie with someone else’s jizz on her lips and
I’d still wanted to kiss her. Not just that; I wanted to ravish
her, pleasure her, make hot monkey love to her ‘till we both
passed out. I’d treat her like the goddess that she was. John
just got up and left her with his cum on her face like all he
cared about was getting his rocks off. I don’t know what made
me madder, the fact that he treated her like shit or the fact
that she put up with it.
I loitered around for a few minutes, wishing my hard-on
would go away. I heard the door slam. School was close enough
that John would probably jog there, but I kept listening for the
sound of Katie’s car starting up. After nearly five minutes, I
got tired of waiting and walked around front. Her car was still
there, but she’d had plenty of time to get cleaned up by now. I
walked inside and dropped my backpack down on the now empty
couch, seeing Katie’s purse sitting on the coffee table. I
heard the sound of running water coming from the bathroom.
I bent down and carefully opened her purse. I had a sneaking
suspicion as to what I would find, and sure enough, there they
were. Crumpled up white cotton panties, stained and gooey with
fresh nut-milk. My dick had softened to a sticky lump in my
pants, but now it quickly returned to being hard enough to cut
diamond as I replayed the scene in my mind. Damn, that was the
hottest thing I’d ever seen. I closed her purse and put it back
in its original spot on the table, then practically ran upstairs
to my room and shut the door. I dropped my pants and peeled off
my underwear. My cock popped out, throbbing angrily and seeking
Now that I had seen my brother’s dick, I no longer thought I
was the runt of the family. His was rather small, kinda short
and stubby-looking. Mine wasn’t that big, maybe seven inches or
so, but it was probably at least two inches longer than his. A
fat lot of good it did me though, since all I did with it was
whack off.
And that’s what I planned to do now. Katie would leave soon
and I could jerk myself ‘till I was blue in the face, fantasizing
that I was me that had fucked her and popped off all over her
yummy lips. I squeezed my rod firmly and it jumped for joy. The
skin was taut and shiny, and I didn’t think I’d ever been this hard
before. I spat in my hand and began to pump my cock with it,
quickly losing myself in imagining what it would feel like to slide
it deep into Katie’s juicy twat and feel her cum around my pulsing
To be honest, I really had no idea what it would feel like. I
was still a virgin, but somehow I doubted that screwing Katie would
be similar to screwing my pillow. I had a good imagination though,
and I imagined that it would be pretty fucking awesome.
With a solid mental image of Katie’s panting face and pouty,cum-
soaked lips, I lay back on my bed and jerked my meat until I
blasted a geyser of jizz into the air. I must’ve spurted almost a
dozen times, my sperm launching out and landing all over my stomach
and thighs. It was an awesome cum, and I closed my eyes and
pictured Katie licking my sticky jism from her lips. I was still
so out of it that I almost didn’t hear the soft click my door made
as it shut.
I froze, then almost jumped up as I realized what that meant.
Katie had watched me jerk off! I sat there in shock, not knowing
whether to be embarrassed, mad, or flattered. I guess I was a
little of each. I cleaned myself off as best I could with the
handy towel I kept by under the bed, and just as I was pulling on
some clothes, I heard Katie’s car start and drive off.
I sat on my bed and sighed. Had she figured out I’d been spying
on them? Maybe. I hoped she wouldn’t tell my brother about it, or
that I was jacking off. He’d probably think I was some kind of
pervert or something. It was weird, though. The fact that Katie
had stayed to watch me cum turned me on intensely. I didn’t know
what it meant, but all I could hope for now was that I wouldn’t get

The rest of that week went by in a dull blur of homework and TV.
John was excited about his upcoming away game on Saturday, and I was
just happy that Katie hadn’t seemed to mention anything to him
about my peeping or jerking off. She hadn’t been by again, which
was probably just as well since I didn’t know if I could talk to
her without embarrassing myself. She’d occupied my thoughts for
the past few days, stepping up even more often than usual to take
the lead role in my daydreams and fantasies. I was pretty ashamed
about feeling this way about my brother’s girlfriend, but I couldn’t
help it.
Friday night, John talked to Katie on the phone for a little
while, then hung up with a frown. Apparently she wasn’t feeling
well, and instead of maybe going over and trying to help her feel
better, John, in his usual sensitive way, decided to go out and party
with his buddies instead. I just kicked back around the house, not
particularly feeling like doing anything, except for wanking myself
before bed as I fantasized about sucking Katie off. Something else
that my macho brother’d probably never done.
I had soccer practice Saturday morning to make up for Wednesday,
so I looked forward to having a few hours of peace and quiet while
John and my parents were at the game. After practice I got home and
took a shower, then relaxed for a while in front of the TV. It was
funny, though. Every time I looked over at the sofa, an image of
my brother cumming on Katie’s face popped into my head.
The phone rang, and I reached over and answered it. I was a bit
surprised when I heard Katie’s voice on the other end.
"Hi, David," she said pleasantly. "I think I left something in
John’s room, and I was wondering if it would be okay if I stopped by
in a few minutes to get it."
"Uh, sure," I replied, feeling suddenly warm. She said thanks,
then said good-bye and hung up. I sat back on the chair and shook
my head, trying to think realistically. It was probably just like
she said. She’d left something and she just wanted to stop by and
pick it up. Nothing else.
The doorbell rang about ten minutes later. I answered it, and
there was Katie, looking pretty in a plain white T-shirt and faded
blue jeans. She smiled warmly at me, but for some reason it made
me uncomfortable. She chatted with me casually as she followed me
to my brother’s room, asking me what I had planned for the summer
as we went in.
"I don’t really have anything planned yet," I answered, watching
her as she sat on the edge of John’s bed and crossed her legs,
ooking up at me with an attentive expression. Her green eyes were
dazzling. "How about you?"
She shrugged. "I don’t know, maybe going to my parent’s beach
house with some friends, but I haven’t decided yet."
"Beach house? Sounds cool," I answered, leaning back against
the door. We locked eyes for a long moment then I looked away
"Uh, so," I asked, avoiding eye contact. "What was it you
wanted to get?"
She smiled sheepishly and looked down at the floor. "I didn’t
really leave anything here," she said. "I just wanted to talk to
"Oh," I replied, feeling suddenly anxious. Was she going to
confront me about jerking off? Had she seen me spying on her and
John? She didn’t seem mad, though. A image of her sexy thighs
locking around my head suddenly flashed through my mind, but I
ignored it. "About what?"
She glanced at me, then back at the floor. She licked her lips
nervously, started to say something, then stopped. Her face
suddenly turned a dark red and she held her head in her hands,
smiling sheepishly. "God, this is so embarrassing."
"What?" I asked, watching her with fascination and a growing
sense of arousal, though I didn’t quite understand why she was
acting so weird.
"I’ve never...uh, I’ve been thinking...oh, shit. I guess I’m
just not very good at this," she said, looking flustered. Then,
before I could react, she got up and grabbed me around the neck,
closing her eyes as she kissed me tenderly on the lips.
This can’t be happening, I thought in total shock. I was so
stunned I didn’t even kiss her back. After a few seconds she
pulled away and bit her lower lip shyly.
"That’s what I wanted to say," she said softly, looking me in
the eyes. I felt my heart instantly melt and my dick begin to
rise. I was still in shock, but it was starting to sink in. She
was seducing me. I had dreamed about this but never really
imagined it could happen. And now that it was, I suddenly didn’t
know what to do.
Katie looked at me, her face falling a little. "Uh, if you don’t
want to," she whispered, "it’s no big deal." She started to step
back. "Maybe it was a dumb idea." She flashed me a grudging smile,
but I could see a touch of hurt in her eyes.
That snapped me out of it. I didn’t say anything, I just grabbed
her around the waist and kissed her, letting all my pent-up desire
surface as I gave her everything I had. She held me hesitantly
around the shoulders at first, then locked her arms around my neck
and moaned softly.
Her lips were soft and velvety, and I ran my tongue over them
before slipping it into her mouth. Her tongue chased mine, and
darted back and forth between our two mouths. I felt lightheaded.
Here I was, standing in my brother’s room, passionately tongue-
kissing his gorgeous girlfriend while he was grunting and sweating
on some football field, and I wouldn’t have stopped if my life
depended on it.
After a minute, she broke the kiss and touched her forehead to
mine, seeming to want to catch her breath. Her freckled cheeks
were a rosy pink color, and she was breathing quickly through her
mouth. Her breath smelled like peppermint. With her red hair and
fair skin, she suddenly made me think of a candy cane. She was a
slender, sexy candy cane, and I couldn’t wait to taste the rest of
I turned, and pulled her with me as I backed over and sat on the
bed. My eyes were level with her rapidly rising and falling
breasts, and I tugged her shirt out of her pants and raised it a
little, pressing my face against her smooth, flat belly. I
instantly fell in love with the feel of her warm silky skin on my
lips. She smelled good too, like jasmine.
Trying not to go too fast, I kissed lightly over her stomach and
then over her bra, my lips touching the soft curves of skin at the
sides that the bra didn’t quite cover. I looked up at her, seeing
that she was watching me with an incredibly sexy expression. She
looked really turned on, and that made me even hotter. I wanted
this to be good for her. No, not just good, the best. Sibling
rivalry? Maybe. I knew that John had fucked her before, but I
wasn’t going to. I was going to make love to her like she deserved.
Katie pulled her shirt over her head and completely off, letting
it fall to the floor. There were little freckles on her chest, and
I kissed practically each and every one as I reached around and
rubbed her back with my hands. God, I loved touching her so much,
I couldn’t imagine what making love to her would be like.
Gently, I took her by the arms and lay back. She climbed over
me on the bed and knelt with her knees on either side of my hips.
The cups of her bra rubbed against my shoulder as she smiled self-
consciously down at me, then reached behind her back to unhook her
bra. She pulled it off, and I stared at her tits as they bounced
free practically right in my face. They weren’t very big, but very
round and firm. Her nipples looked almost like pink gumdrops. I
raised my head slightly and took one into my mouth, hearing her
suck in her breath as I swirled my tongue around it. I felt it
stiffen to a hard point, and I nursed at it happily for a minute or
two. Katie moaned softly every so often, her hands spread out on
the bed by my shoulders to steady herself.
I eventually let her left nipple pop out of my mouth, then kissed
between her breasts before I turned my attention to her right. I
ran my hands up her jeans-covered thighs and over her hips in little
circles, moving slowly higher until I cupped the firm cheeks of her
ass with my palms. I squeezed and kneaded them gently as I sucked
on her nipple, and Katie groaned and began rocking her hips back and
forth, moving her butt sensuously against my hands.
At this point, I expected to cum in my pants any second, but I
was so turned-on that it would probably only be a temporary setback.
After another minute or so, I began sliding down under her until I
was sitting on the floor with my back against the bed, the crotch
of her jeans hovering inches above my face. I slid my hands up and
down her thighs, but before I could rub my face between her legs
like I’d intended, she moved further up onto the bed. I turned and
watched as she flopped down on her back and began fumbling almost
frantically with her jeans, unbuttoning them and then raising her
legs to pull them off. I stared spellbound at her bare thighs and
semi-bare ass. Like the rest of her, they were freckled, smooth,
and perfect.
She slowly parted her legs, and my eyes widened even further
when I saw the dark stain of wetness along the crotch of her powder-
blue panties. She watched me intently as I crawled between her
smooth, supple thighs, stopping with my face scant inches away from
her leaky twat.
Slowly, anxiously, I pulled her panties to one side, feeling a
terrific thrill as I got my first close look at a female crotch,
which in Katie’s case was an awesome sight. Her mound was lightly
forested with short and curly light red hair, and the area between
her legs was nearly hairless, offering a perfect view of her
gorgeous pussy. The lips were full and pouting, much like the lips
on her face, and looked equally kissable. They glistened wetly and
hung slightly open, just enough that I could get a glimpse of her
pearly clitoris and her pretty pink interior. As I felt the moist
heat radiating out from her and inhaled the musky smell of her
excited body, another thrill shot through me as I realized that it
was me and me alone that she was this hot for. Not John, not some
hunk, but me.
My face scant inches from her overheated twat, I moved my hands
under her legs and back up to rest on her hips. I looked up and
saw that she was looking back at me, her pretty green eyes wide
and anxious. It seemed I had been right about John's never having
gone down on her. Eager to make up for his mistake, I quickly
lowered my head to plant an open-mouthed kiss on her steamy sex
I slid my tongue over her swollen labia and caught them between
my lips, sampling her tangy, salty taste. I rubbed my nose in her
soft pubes as I slipped my tongue between her slick labia, licking
gingerly along the entire inner length of her vulva as I felt it
quiver and push out against my tongue. Katie had seemed to be
holding her breath, but now she let it out with a long, deep moan.
Though I felt almost overwhelmed actually licking Katie’s twat,
I had often fantasized about doing this very thing. I lifted her
legs, pulling her panties off to give me better access. I kissed
and licked and sucked at her, letting her gasps and shuddering
whimpers guide me in the right direction. I knew enough to start
paying attention to her clit, which was now poking out beyond her
lips, almost begging to be licked and sucked. I eagerly obliged,
swirling my tongue around its swollen hardness and sucking at it
That drove her wild. Her supple thighs squeezed down tightly
on my head as she began gently bucking her hips. She was making
short gasping moans with every breath, and soon her clit began to
pull back into her body. I thought that maybe I’d done something
wrong, so I stopped and looked up at her.
She gave a frustrated whimper and looked at me with half-
closed eyes, starting to grind her pussy at my face. I doubted
that she even knew she was doing it.
"Don’t stop," she moaned pleadingly. "Oh God, don't stop!"
That was more than enough encouragement for me. I renewed
my attack on her now sopping-wet pussy, slurping and sucking at
her delicate flesh and squeezing the cheeks of her ass with my
After only a few moments, I felt her body start quivering, and
Katie gasped something that I couldn’t quite hear with her thighs
clamped down around my ears. She started shaking so much that I
had to hold on to her waist to keep her from falling off of the
bed. I felt a sudden flood of warm wetness against my mouth,
sweeter tasting than her other juices had been, and I drank it
down greedily. After a few more seconds, she went limp, and I
continued giving her delicious pussy soft licks and kisses. Then
I began hearing a faint sobbing sound, and I looked up to see
that she was crying.
I stared at her in confusion. I sat next to her on the bed,
not knowing what could possibly be wrong. But then she grabbed
me and hugged me to her, sobbing in my ear that this was the
first time anyone had done that to her, the first time she’d
ever come.
She held me tight, panting and nuzzling my ear until I kissed
her with lips still wet from her juices. She didn’t seem to mind,
and kissed me back fiercely, leaving both of us gasping for breath.
I felt great. I felt like I was floating on clouds. I had made
Katie come, and that was suddenly the most gratifying
accomplishment I could imagine.
After a moment, she sat up and tugged at the waistband of my
tented shorts, her intentions obvious. My head was swimming. A
girl wanted in my pants. Correction, not just any girl, but
beautiful, sexy Katie. I would have been happy with just sucking
her off, and I would have kept doing it for the rest of her life
if she’d wanted me to. But she wanted more, and I wasn’t about
to say no.
I got up and took my shirt off, then slid my shorts down,
feeling a bit embarrassed to be naked in front of her, though she
had been naked in front of me for a while already. My cock
bobbed up, the head slick and sticky with pre-cum. Katie stared at
it as if it was made of gold. She reached out and circled her
hand around the shaft as if measuring it. That was the first time
anyone else had ever touched my dick, and it felt great. She
looked up at me with wide eyes and smiled.
"It’s so big," she murmured, looking back to it and giving it a
gentle tug. "Bigger than..." she trailed off, but I knew what she
had been about to say. Bigger than John’s.
I felt embarrassed by her compliments. My dick wasn’t really
that big, maybe seven inches long, but she acted like it was the
biggest in the world.
She sat on the edge of the bed so that she could take it in
both hands. She pulled on my cock like she was milking a cow or
something, and I knew that I’d cum soon if she didn’t stop. My
eyes roved over her body. I looked down at her tits with their
big, stiff nipples. I lowered my gaze to the red curly triangle
between her thighs and the wetly-glistening vertical slit of her
pussy. It was almost perfectly level with my cock. She took her
hands away as I moved forward, the head of my dick brushing up
against her slick opening. Katie spread her legs further apart,
and with a gentle push of my hips, my throbbing cock slid unguided
halfway into her hot and slippery hole.
It felt incredible. Her pussy squeezed my shaft tightly, but
she was so wet that it was almost like she was sucking me deeper
inside. We both gasped as I slid in further, and I looked down,
watching my dick being swallowed inch by inch until my balls came
to rest against her tight ass. God, I felt like I was in heaven,
and judging by the look on her face, Katie didn’t feel much
I closed my eyes and groaned. The sensations of being balls
deep in a girl were mind-blowing. I felt the wet lips of her
pussy pressing into the skin around the base of my cock, I felt
the heat of her inner body all along the length of my shaft, and
I swear I could even feel her pulse. I opened my eyes and looked
at her face. She had broken into a sweat, and her eyes were
closed as she bit her lower lip. God, everything she did was
sexy. Very slowly I began to pull back, feeling the snug walls
of her pussy slide deliciously over my cock. I withdrew until
only the head was still inside, then I stopped, hovering there
for a moment. The air felt cold around my wet dick, making me
yearn to slip it back into the warmth of her body.
Katie opened her eyes and looked at me questioningly,
apparently missing the presence of my cock. I looked into her
eyes as I swiftly plunged back in, her tits heaving and a low
moan escaping her lips. I began pumping into her in earnest now,
trying my best not to go too fast. I knew I was close to
cumming, and Iwanted this to last as long as possible. I leaned
over her and sucked one of her nipples into my mouth, rolling it
around between my lips with my tongue. Katie was fucking me
back, her hips rising to meet my thrusts. She was incredible.
My brother was an idiot to treat her the way he did. I thought
I would faint from the overload of pleasure, but, not only
didn’t I faint, I kept going for a few minutes, much longer than
I’d expected to.
She was making little whimpering noises in her throat as she
clutched at my shoulders. Just when I felt my balls rumbling and
my cock swelling to spew my load inside her, she groaned loudly
and I felt her pussy flutter around my dick, milking it as she
came for the second time. I barely had time to yank my cock out
before it blasted a torrent of sperm all over her pink and
quivering pussy lips. I grunted, my teeth clenching in almost
painful ecstasy as semen continued to pulse up from my balls and
shoot out of my glistening cockhead, stringing long lines of
sperm over her pubic hair and over her flat belly. As the final
spurt pushed out weakly, my legs gave out and I fell to my knees
on the floor, Katie’s dripping crotch level with my dazed eyes.
I stared in fascination at her jizz-covered pussy, my head
spinning from my orgasm. I could barely see her red and swollen
slit under the heavy layer of sperm I had deposited on it. I
would’ve loved to cum inside Katie’s warm, clutching body, but
I wasn’t about to take a chance on getting her pregnant. I liked
her way too much for that. I grabbed my shirt and mopped her off,
cleaning the last traces of my sperm off her body with my tongue.
I stood up weakly and flopped down on the bed beside her. Her
eyes were closed, a look of complete bliss on her beautiful face.
She opened her eyes and smiled as I kissed her forehead, then she
hugged me.
"Oh, God, David," she whispered. "That was wonderful. You’re
so different..."
"From John?"
"Yeah." She smiled ruefully. "Our little secret?" She asked,
looking up at me imploringly with her lovely green eyes.
"Our little secret," I replied seriously, then tickling her
ribs playfully. She squealed and laughed, trying to push my hands
away. I stopped tickling and started rubbing her belly, then
couldn’t resist lowering my head over her chest rubbing my face
between her smooth, soft tits. Her nipples brushed my nose and
lips as I affectionately kissed and nuzzled her pretty breasts.
She ran her fingers through my hair, then after a minute she
pushed my head away gently and sat up,
"I’m sorry, but I really have to go," she said apologetically.
She stood and began pulling her clothes back on. I pulled my own
shorts on and helped her with her bra, disappointed that this had
to end so soon. I felt like I could’ve gone on making love to
Katie all day, and I hoped that she wasn’t having second thoughts
about what we’d done. I really, really hoped that we could repeat
it in the future.
She tucked her shirt back in, then smiled and gave me a hesitant
peck on the lips. I followed her downstairs and to the door, where
she suddenly turned and kissed me much more passionately, sliding
her warm tongue into my mouth and squeezing my ass before letting
go getting into her car with a smile. I watched in a daze as she
waved and drove off.
I closed the door and went back up to John’s room and tidied
up, not wanting him to find any evidence that I’d screwed his
girlfriend on his own bed. I felt a little guilty, but the
experience had been awesome, and I didn’t regret it in the
slightest. I took a shower just in case that John would somehow
recognize Katie’s scent on me, then I collapsed happily in front
of the TV again. This had been the best Saturday I could remember.

John was pissed off that night. His team had lost, and it seemed
that Katie was still feeling 'under the weather.Katie I knew better, but
I sure wasn’t going to say anything to him about it. Maybe it meant
that she’d finally realized what a jerk he was, and that she could do
a lot better. Not necessarily with me though. She really deserved a
good-looking hunk that would treat her good, not a dork like me.
On Monday, she was waiting for me after soccer practice. She
was parked by the curb in the student parking lot, right the route I
take to walk home. I stared at her as she leaned against the door of
her blue Honda Civic, not quite believing my eyes. I looked around
foolishly, then walked toward her.
"Hi," I said hesitantly.
She smiled. "Hi."
"Aren’t you afraid somebody will see you picking up a dorky
sophmore?" I asked jokingly, though I was half-serious.
"No," she answered quietly. "You in any hurry to get home?"
I swallowed hard. "Not really."
She opened her door and got in, then sat looking out at me with a
smile. "Well, are you gonna get in or what?"
I grinned, opening the door and climbing inside. Her car was
immaculately clean and smelled like pine air freshener. I looked at
her out of the corner of my eye as she pulled out of the parking lot.
She was dressed in a green collared T-shirt and white slacks. She
didn’t seem to be wearing a bra.
As she turned left, obviously not intending to take me home--at
least not my home--everything suddenly flashed before my eyes.
She was a senior, and my brother’s girlfriend besides. This kind of
thing wasn’t supposed to happen.
We drove in silence for a minute, then she asked me if I was
hungry. I was. She pulled up at an In-’n-Out, and I couldn’t help
thinking that was somehow appropriate.
"So, is this a date?" I asked with a smile as we got out of the
She looked at me strangely, her dazzling green eyes sending a
little shiver through me. "Yeah, I guess it is."
I felt weird walking into the restaurant with a gorgeous girl like
Katie, but hardly anyone seemed to really pay attention. We
ordered our food and she insisted on paying for me. We sat down
and looked across the table at each other awkwardly for a minute,
then suddenly Katie burst out laughing.
"Us." She giggled. We’re sitting here like two total strangers."
"Yeah," I said, smiling. It was silly, especially since we’d had hot
passionate sex in my brother’s bedroom just two days before. She
reached across the table and took my hand, holding it like a fortune
She looked at it for a moment. "This says that you’re shy and
quiet on the outside," she said, pointing at a line on my palm, "but
on the inside, you’re bold, passionate, and imaginative." She
blushed a little as she said this, and I felt my pulse quickening.
I took her hand and pretended to study it.
"Hmm. I’d say that you’re also shy, but you’re a very smart and
sensual person, who’s also not afraid to take risks."
She laughed, and squeezed my hand. Just then, they called our
numbers, and we got our food and sat back down. We chatted and
joked about school as we ate, and I started to forget about the fact
that this was as weird of a situation as it was. As we left and got
into the car, I was quickly reminded when Katie reached over and
squeezed my thigh before starting the engine.
"So," I asked, feeling warmer. "Where to now?"
She shrugged. "Oh, I thought maybe we’d go back to my house
for a while," she answered casually. My dick immediately started
to put on weight.
We didn’t say much on the short drive to her house, but my hard
on never wavered. We pulled up in her driveway and got out of the
car, with me tagging along behind her as she unlocked the door.
Judging by that and the empty driveway, I think it was pretty safe
to say that her parents weren’t there. I felt my heart pounding in
anticipation as I followed her inside. Maybe this kind of thing
didn’t happen, but until somebody proved to me that it wasn’t, I
was going to enjoy every second.
Katie showed me around briefly, the last stop on the tour being
her small, neat room. She flopped down on the bed and looked up
at me; her cheeks starting to turn the pretty, rosy-pink color I had
come to associate with her arousal. She crossed and uncrossed her
legs slowly as I walked over to her, my heart thumping and pulse
She raised her chin as I bent down to kiss her, her lips a little
salty from the french fries she’d eaten. I knelt down over her and
put my hands on her waist as we kissed hotly, making wet noises as
we sucked at each other’s lips and tongues. Her fingers traced down
my chest and over my stomach, then slid boldly under my jeans and
through my pubic hair.
After a few seconds, Katie pulled her hand out of my pants and
gently pushed me down on my back. She kissed my neck as she
unbuttoned my jeans, opening my fly and rubbing her hand over my
throbbing dick. She moved back until she was lying over my legs,
her pretty face hovering over the long white bulge in my
underwear. She looked at it as she pulled my pants further down
around my hips.
I held my breath, waiting to see if she was going to do what I
thought she was going to do. She ducked her head and kissed the
shaft of my dick through my underwear, her soft red hair brushing
against my hip. She gently tugged down my briefs, freeing my
straining cock from its prison. She looked at it for a moment, then
took it with her fingers and held it straight up toward her face.
Closing her eyes, she parted her lips slightly and lowered her head,
placing a tender kiss on the leaky tip.
I couldn’t take my eyes away from the sight of Katie kissing my
dick. She held it softly and pecked at it lovingly, moving her lips
over and under the head and down the underside of the shaft. After
giving my balls a few gentle kisses, she raised her head and opened
her lips, taking the head of my cock into her warm mouth.
I moaned in ecstasy as she began sucking slowly up and down on
the end of my dick. Her mouth was so warm, and so wet! I could
feel her tongue moving against the sensitive underside of my knob,
and my hips jerked involuntarily as she began to take more and
more of my penis in her mouth, her spit coating my shaft down to
my balls. She stopped a little more than halfway, seeming to reach
her limit. She bobbed her head slowly up and down, her mouth
sending incredible shivers of pleasure through my body.
She began to press forward, apparently trying to swallow the rest
of me. She gagged on the head of my cock, then tried again, her
tonsils seeming to not want this big fleshy thing to get by, though
just the feeling of her throat convulsing around the head of my dick
was driving me crazy. She kept trying though, and soon I couldn’t
take it anymore.
"I’m getting close," I panted, my balls beginning to tense. I
didn’t know if she wanted me to cum in her mouth or not.
"Mmmff." She stopped trying to deep-throat me and started to
suck hard on what she could get, which was plenty enough for me.
In a few seconds, I felt the pressure rising, and my pelvis muscles
suddenly tensed as my dick jerked and erupted. I groaned and
gasped as I came, losing track of everything except the intense
sensation of climaxing in Katie’s mouth.
When I could see again, I looked down to see her still sucking my
dick gently, a thin trickle of sperm running down the side of my
cock. She seemed to have swallowed the rest, and that me feel
even more lightheaded. After a moment, she licked down the side
and got the last of it, then sat back and looked me in the eyes,
smiling and blushing self-consciously as she wiped her mouth with
her hand.
I grabbed her arm and pulled her over me, kissing her slightly
sticky lips with heartfelt passion. I could taste the traces of my
salty cum in her mouth, which I didn’t mind at all. It reminded me
of the pleasure she’d given me. I slid my hands up under her shirt
and fondled her bare breasts, finding the nipples already hard and
poking out.
Katie slid off of me and stood next to the bed as she began
undressing, slowly pulling her shirt off to reveal her bouncy tits,
then unbuttoning her pants and pushing her panties down with
them, gradually uncovering the red wisps of her pubes and the
damp-looking split of her pussy lips. Once fully naked, she crawled
back onto the bed, and I pulled her over me until she was straddling
my head. I stared up at her beautiful and glistening twat for a
moment before pulling her ass down and burying my face between
her legs.
She cooed and moaned as I tenderly slurped at her excited pussy,
running my hands over her stomach and hips as I licked her. She
was really wet, and in only a short time she began to shudder and
gasp as she came on my tongue. I slowed a little as she recovered,
but then slowly resumed my pace, sucking and licking at her sweet
dripping snatch until she came again, and it seemed even stronger
than the first.
I was curious as to how many times she could come, but she
seemed to be satisfied for the moment. She climbed off and sat
alongside me on the bed. Her eyes were half-closed and she was
panting. Katie groaned as I sat up next to her and began rubbing
her back.
"That was incredible," she said with a relaxed smile.
I grinned back. "You’re my inspiration."
She laughed, then pushed me back down on the bed. My dick
was still half-hard, and she sat over me, straddling my hips. "Lets
see if I can inspire this," she whispered, reaching between her legs
to guide my cock between her slick labia. Her pussy was so drenched
from my licking that It slipped in easily, and she rested her ass
against my thighs and sat still, my semi-hard penis trapped in her
I took her by the shoulders and pulled her down so that I could
suck one of her nipples into my mouth. I felt my dick beginning to
harden, and it soon regained its full size in the welcoming heat of
Katie’s body.
She began to bounce up and down, rising and falling on my cock
as I continued to suck at her tits. Since I’d just had such a
tremendous orgasm, I felt like I could last for a while, and Katie
didn’t really seem to be in too much of a hurry either. She rode me
for what must’ve been ten minutes before she started getting tired,
and I took over, rolling her on her back and propping myself up on
my elbows as I began to thrust into her with long, slow strokes.
My face was inches from hers, and we looked each other in the
eyes as we both gasped and moaned. I kissed her, catching her
lower lip between mine and sucking on it as I slowly pumped into
her. It was a dream fuck, and I think we both knew it.
Her moans began to grow louder and closer together, and I began
to increase my pace. She cried out loudly as she came, almost
screaming as her fingers dug painfully into my shoulders. She
trembled violently for several seconds, then fell limp beneath me,
her eyes looking glazed. My orgasm came a minute later, and I
pulled out and squirted a fairly small load of sperm on her belly,
though it was so intense it almost hurt.
I fell on top of her, gasping for breath, and neither of us could do
anything but lie there for a few minutes. As she began to recover, I
felt Katie start sucking on my earlobe. I was surprised at how
neat it felt. After a minute or so, I had enough strength to move off
and lay on my side next to her. I ran my fingers of her stomach,
smearing my gooey sperm around, making her skin all shiny and
"Well, that was pretty cool," I remarked with a grin, somewhat at
a loss for words. She laughed and tousled my hair affectionately.
"You’re pretty cool," she said, looking up at me sexily. I
kissed her sweaty cheeks, then her pretty mouth, moving my lips
softly against hers. It was another perfect moment, and I wished I
could go on kissing her forever.
That was when we heard the front door slam.
"Shit!" Katie hissed, scrambling off the bed and fumbling for
her clothes. "Get dressed! Hurry!"
She didn’t need to tell me, as I was already yanking my pants on.
We got dressed in record time, with Katie pulling on her shirt and
straightening her hair just as we heard voices down the hall.
"Here," she said, handing me a geometry book. "We’ll say that
you’re picking this up for John." I nodded and followed her out of
the room. He parents were in the kitchen putting away groceries,
and they looked at me oddly as they saw us coming down the hall.
"This is David," Katie introduced. "He’s John’s brother. He
came over to get a book for him." Her parents smiled pleasantly
and said hello, then Katie said we had to get going.
Once back in her car, we grinned at each other and she gave me a
quick kiss. "Well," she said. "I guess I’d better take you home."
"Yeah," I replied, not really wanting to our 'date' to end, but it
was starting to get late.
On the way to my house, Katie kept adjusting the front of her
shirt, and I realized that her stomach was still sticky with my cum.
I got an idea, and took off my seat belt and leaned over, pulling up
her shirt. She giggled as I began licking her smooth belly, trying to
clean it of the remnants of my semen. My head bumped against the
steering wheel a few times, but I managed to get most of it. I
didn’t mind the taste, though I liked hers a lot better.
She stopped a few houses down from mine, apparently not
wanting to have to explain to John what she was doing giving me a
ride home at seven thirty at night. She grabbed my arm as I started
to get out, then kissed me tenderly for a good minute or so.
"I love you," she whispered, then slowly let go of me.
I felt dizzy. "I love you, too," I answered sincerely. She smiled
and squeezed my arm, but it was a troubled smile.
I got out of the car and waved to her as she made a U-turn and
drove off. On the way back to my house, I wondered whether John
would hate me for the rest of my life if he found out what was
going on between me and Katie. He might be a jerk, but he was
still my brother, and I didn’t want to see him get hurt.

I walked slowly up the driveway to my house, feeling
tired but very content. My head was still reeling from my
second lusty session with Katie, which had been even more
intense than the first. Though the sex had been completely
awesome, the highlight had really been when she’d turned to
me in the car and said that she loved me. It was the best
feeling in the world, one that I never wanted to end. The
only thing that was keeping me from being totally ecstatic
was a nagging feeling of guilt.
"Where’ve you been?" John asked in his usual belligerent
way, barely looking up from the TV as I entered the living
Oh, just fucking your girlfriend, the nagging voice said.
I ignored it. "I went out for something to eat with the
guys," I lied, sitting on the famous couch.
John grunted in response and returned his attention to the
TV. I joined him in watching America’s Funniest Home Videos,
which in my opinion fell somewhat short of its billing. I
began to think about things, particularly my brother and
Katie. Halfway through the show, it hit me.
I was having an affair. I was sixteen years old; a high
school loser; and I was having an affair with my brother’s
beautiful girlfriend. It sure must’ve been getting pretty
cold in Hell right about now.

I thought about Katie almost constantly at school the
next day. I’d never tried **** or anything, but I was
beginning to understand what it was like. Katie was my
****, and, even if I’d wanted to, I knew that I'd never be
able to 'just say no'.
At lunch, I spotted her sitting and talking with John. They
seemed to be in a good mood, and I couldn’t help feeling a
little jealous as she sat there with him and ignored me. I
understood why, but I still resented it a little. I felt so
strongly for her that I hated not being able to show it, but
I hated even more to think about what might happen if my
brother found out. So, I sat with my small circle of friends
and pretended I was interested in the movie or whatever the
hell they were talking about, all the while remembering how
drop-dead gorgeous Katie’s face had been as she’d gasped and
panted as we had made love on her bed.
That evening found me locked in a good-natured wrestling
match with John. He’d wanted to sit in the easy chair, but I'd
refused, and like we'd done all our lives we ended up rolling
around on the floor to decide who’d get it. My brother had
just slapped a particularly painful arm hold when the phone
rang. Our mom picked it up in the kitchen, then called for
John. Saved by the bell, I flopped down in the chair with a
grin as he went to answer it.
"Its Katie," I heard her say. My grin disappeared. I
suddenly felt anxious, but I wasn’t sure why. I pretended to
be interested in the TV as I listened carefully to the
conversation. I couldn’t catch most of it, and what I heard
consisted mostly of monosyllables from John, which in itself
wasn’t unusual. But after a few minutes, his tone began to
convey something else.
"Yeah," he replied into the phone with a strangely thick
voice. "I guess I do." He set the phone down with a quiet
click, then walked upstairs without another word. It took a
moment for me to put a name to my brother’s tone and
expression, as it was one I’d rarely seen on him before. He
was upset. With a sinking feeling, I realized what had just
Katie had dumped him. And though he didn’t know it, she’d
dumped him for me. Before, I’d imagined that I would be
happy to actually beat John out of a girl, but even though
he was a jerk, he still had feelings. I felt sorry for him.
I know I’d be pretty damn miserable if I lost a girlfriend
like Katie.
I stopped feeling so sorry for him the next day at school
when I saw him putting the make on a pretty blonde
cheerleader. I knew he was still hurt, but he wasn’t the
type to let that slow him down. I also saw Katie in the
hallway after lunch. Unlike John, the hurt showed plainly on
her face, and once again I felt more sorry for her than for
my brother. His feelings were centered mainly on himself,
while hers were focused on others.
She seemed to be in a hurry, and didn’t stop to talk, but
she flashed me a pained looking smile as she passed by. I
thought about her all day, wondering when I would be able to
see her again.

It was two days after the breakup, and I was walking home
after practice when I heard a car behind me begin to slow
down. I turned, and my heart began to pound as I saw Katie’s
blue Civic pulling up next to me.
"Hey, little boy," she said somberly through the passenger
window. "You want some candy?"
I grinned. She seemed to have recovered. "Sure, lady,"
I replied, playing along. "Where is it?"
She reached over and opened the door, her face still
perfectly serious. "Sit down in here and I’ll show you." I
climbed in and shut the door. "It’s in my front pocket," she
said, unable to keep a straight face any longer. "You’ll
have to get it yourself, and you might have to feel around
for a while before you find it." She grinned as she looked
ahead and pulled back on the road.
I think I surprised her by actually reaching over and
sliding my hand into the right front pocket of her green
slacks. She giggled as I began feeling around, rubbing her
thigh and hip before sliding my hand between her legs. Her
pocket wasn’t deep enough to go all the way, but I managed
to palm her warm mound, feeling her crinkly pubic hair
through the thin cloth layer of her pocket. A lump formed
in both my throat and my shorts as I deduced that she wasn’t
wearing panties.
"Is that the candy you were talking about?" I asked,
trying to sound innocent. She nodded with a smile.
"If you’re good," she said, starting to blush slightly.
"I’ll let you have a taste." That was something I was
definitely looking forward to.
"I’ll be good, I promise."
We drove for a while in silence. "I broke up with John,"
she said quietly.
"I know. I feel a little bad about it, but not much."
Her face turned downcast. "It really hurt to do that to
him. I still like him. I don’t really know why, but I do.
He’s just so stubborn and thick-headed."
"Yeah," I replied. That pretty much described him, all
right. "But he’ll get over it. He’s already recovering."
Katie smiled. "I’m not surprised."
"So," I asked, as casually as I could, "where are we
going today?"
"I thought we could go to the lake, maybe enjoy the view
for a while. I brought some snacks and stuff," she said,
nodding her head toward the ice chest in the back seat. "That
okay with you?"
"Sounds great," I said with a smile. I’d go anywhere with
Katie, anytime.
We parked beneath some trees and walked toward a grassy
hill over looking the lake. I carried the ice chest while
Katie carried a blanket she had brought for us to sit on.
There weren’t many other people around, just an older couple
and few little kids having a barbecue by the campground, and
a gray-haired man fishing further down at the side of the
Katie spread out the blanket, then sat down on it and
offered me a Coke from icebox as I joined her. I accepted it,
and she took one herself, sitting back on her elbows and
The weather was perfect, warm and slightly breezy, and I
leaned back as well to enjoy it. Even though we weren’t
touching or even saying anything, just being there together
seemed to be, well, romantic.
I looked at the sunlight reflecting off the shimmering
water, then over at Katie, who looked away with a little
smile. The wind played with her pretty red hair, blowing
strands of it across her forehead and freckled cheek. It
was an incredibly picturesque scene, and I suddenly had to
get in on it.
She leaned forward as I moved to sit behind her, seeming
to know telepathically what I wanted to do. I sat down with
her between my legs, then leaned forward and put my arms
around her. She hugged my arms even closer around herself,
and we sat there in silence for a while, both looking out at
the green trees and blue water.
I began to wonder what it would be like being married to
her. I found it strange to be thinking about that at my age,
but I couldn’t help it. We could get an apartment together,
maybe even live at her parent’s summer house. John would be
resentful when he found out, of course, but he’d probably
get over it quickly. I wondered if Katie would want to
have kids. Not right away, probably. Later, one or two
would be fine, but not a whole litter...
Katie startled me out of my daydreaming by leaning her
head back on my shoulder and starting to nibble at my ear.
I laughed at the ticklish sensation, and she giggled back.
I noticed that the couple with the kids were looking over
at us, but they were being discreet about it, smiling at
each other almost knowingly. It was a little weird, but I
didn’t really mind it.
Hugging her tighter, I slowly ran my hands over her smooth
belly, feeling the soft firmness of her skin through the thin
fabric of her shirt. I don’t really know what came over me,
but I cupped her left breast in my hand, squeezing it gently
as she gasped in surprise and moved her head from my shoulder.
"Careful," she whispered, looking over at the middle-aged
couple. "They might see us."
I started kissing and sucking at her earlobe. Somehow,
the fact that we had an audience didn’t bother me. Maybe I
was making up for all the times I wanted to touch her and
hold her in school but couldn’t.
I continued massaging her tit, and she blushed heavily
but made no move to stop me. She turned her head and kissed
my neck wetly, sucking at it like a leech. I smiled, and
remembering that she didn’t have any underwear on, slid my
free hand down the front of her pants and rested my fingers
in the soft curls of her pubic hair. She moaned against my
neck, sending a strange vibration through my windpipe. I
rubbed her mound for a few moments, feeling the inviting heat
radiating up from between her legs.
I glanced over at the married couple to see if they were
still watching. They were. Their kids were down playing by
the lake, and they were sitting on a bench very close to one
another, their eyes flitting between us and their children
as they commented to each other about something, probably
us. My dick was very hard at this point, and pressed firmly
against the back of Katie’s ass.
Sliding my hand down further, I felt my cock twitch in my
shorts as I encountered the very swollen and very wet lips of
her pussy. It seemed that she was as excited as I was to be
fooling around in front of God and everybody. I began to
stroke her gently with my fingers, feeling her shiver and
raise her hips up slightly at my touch. Katie let her head
fall forward, and I kissed tenderly at her neck as I slowly
rubbed her slick and overheated slit.
Though they probably couldn’t see exactly what was
happening, I imagined that it wasn’t too hard for our two
onlookers to guess what was going on. I noticed them holding
hands and hugging each other, and it almost looked like they
were going to do a little fooling around of their own.
Katie suddenly whimpered, her hips rising even further
off the blanket. I felt her slippery vulva begin quivering
under my fingers, and she clutched tightly at my arm and
groaned as she came in front of two complete strangers.
I kissed her neck and shoulder as she wound down, then
she turned and gave me an embarrassed smile before hanging
her head down as if in shame.
I smiled and squeezed her affectionately, and she giggled
in response. We relaxed for a while, eventually lying down
to absorb the warm sunlight. In about an hour or so, the
family left, and Katie propped herself up on her side next
to me and punched me lightly on the chest.
"That was a dirty trick you pulled," she said with mock
anger. "I was so embarrassed!"
"Sorry," I said, unable to keep from grinning. She made an
angry face, but leaned down and kissed me lightly.
"You’d better be," she whispered. "You’re just lucky you're
so good at it." She suddenly climbed on top of me and began
tickling my side, and I laughed and struggled playfully to
make her stop. We began wrestling, giggling and rolling
around much the same way I had with John so many times before.
But this time, at least to me, the outcome was never in doubt.
We both grinned and panted as she sat above me, her hands
pinning my arms to the blanket. Our eyes were locked, and
we seemed to even be breathing at the same time. Her freckled
cheeks were flushed and rosy, and she looked at me for a long
while before lowering her head and kissing me. It wasn’t a
shy we’re-at-the-lake-so-we’d-better-behave sort of kiss, it
was an I-love-you-and-I-don't-care-who-sees-it pure and
passionate explosion.
I felt dizzy as she crushed her lips against mine, making
a strange and urgent groaning noise deep in her throat. She
began to rub herself against my lap, grinding her pelvis into
the very rigid length of my cock.
Katie was driving me nuts with desire, and I think that
we were very close to stripping our clothes off and screwing
right there on the hill. Fortunately, we both seemed to snap
out of it a little, and stood up wordlessly to gather her
We hurried back to her car and dumped the gear in the back
seat. I had cooled down a little, but not much, and I kissed
her again as she got into the car.
"Wait," she said in a breathy voice, shutting her door
and starting up the engine. She drove down the small road
that wound around the lake, pulling off next to the cover of
a large stand of trees.
"Does this mean we’re going camping?" I asked as she
turned off the car and grabbed the blanket out of the back.
She grinned. "Sort of. C’mon." She got out, and I did
likewise, following her through the trees until we came to a
small clearing. I watched in anticipation as she spread the
blanket out on the ground, then sat down on it and looked up
at me, her green eyes sparkling sexily in the late afternoon
I pounced on her, and she laughed and pulled me closer,
kissing me on the mouth with her tender lips. Our hands
roved all over each other, and practically before I knew it
she was working my shorts down around my knees. My dick was
glad to be free in the cooling air, but nowhere near as happy
as it would be once it was in Katie’s body. But that could
I gently but firmly pulled myself away and began undoing
the front of her pants. She rested on her elbows as I opened
the fly of her slacks, catching a glimpse of the fiery red
hair on her mound. She lifted her hips, and I dragged her
pants all the way off and dropped them on the blanket next
to us. I positioned myself between her legs, drinking in
the glorious sight of her pouty and very moist-looking slit.
"So," I asked in a husky voice. "Have I been good?"
She grinned. "Yes. You’ve been very good."
I happily lowered my head to her crotch and buried my face
in her sweet pussy. I slid my hands under her shirt as I
sucked and licked at her tender flesh hungrily, quickly losing
track of time until she cried out and climaxed on my tongue,
her slender hips shaking on the blanket as I lightly pinched
her nipples between my fingers.
After recovering for a few moments, she pushed me back and
kissed me briefly before lowering her head to my lap. I felt
her warm and wet tongue slide along the underside of my
pulsing dick, and I moaned as she took me into her hot mouth.
I closed my eyes and savored the intense feeling of her lips
and tongue moving around my shaft.
It was incredible. I rubbed my hands down along her back
and over her round cheeky butt, then slid my fingers between
her legs and began stroking her flowing twat.
She moaned around my penis, and it felt so awesome that
my hips jerked forward involuntarily, making her gag as the
head tried to leap down her throat. Gaining control of
myself, I eased back and continued to play with her drenched
pussy as she sucked eagerly on my cock.
I felt my orgasm slowly building, but Katie suddenly let
my dick fall from her mouth. She looked up at me and moaned
with the most lustful expression on her face that I’d ever
"I want you," she breathed, closing her eyes and gasping
as my fingers brushed her clit. "God, I want you now!"
I took her by the arms and lowered her back on the blanket,
her supple legs snapping open like springs as soon as her
back touched the ground. I’d never seen her quite so worked
up, though it was quickly rubbing off on me. It must’ve
been something in the air. I didn’t pause to think about it
though. I crawled over her and guided my cock to the slippery
entrance to her body, plunging in all the way with one solid
thrust that made Katie groan loudly and dig her nails into my
Already knowing that I wasn’t going to last very long, I
kept my movement slow, seeming to tease her a little by
deliberately taking my time. She thrust her hips up at me
desperately, and with a frustrated groan, I realized that I
wasn’t going to be able to hold back much longer. But Katie's
gasps and moans were coming faster as well, and I gave up
and began pumping into her quickly, feeling her lock her
strong legs behind my butt as she suddenly arched her back
and screamed into the darkening woods.
Her pussy clamped down on me like a vise, squeezing and
rippling like a milking machine. I felt my balls lift and
my cock began to swell. I tried to pull out of her before
it was too late, but her legs were still locked tightly
behind me, holding me in place. I grunted and thrust deeper
inside her, losing myself in the mind shattering sensation
of cumming inside Katie’s hot and twitching body.
I looked down at her guiltily as my head began to clear,
and she smiled up at me dreamily, running her fingers over
my lips. I caught one in my mouth and sucked at it as my
dick softened inside of her.
"It’s okay," she whispered. "It was my fault." She
pulled me down and cuddled up against me, and we lay there
together as the sun set and darkness fell.

John wasn’t home as I walked in just before eight that
night, but my parents were, and they were a little miffed
that I’d come home late again without letting them know
where I was. I said that I’d gone to a movie with some
friends, and after a little while I managed to get them off
my back. After dinner, I flopped tiredly down on my bed.
So far, every time Katie and I had made love, it had been
better than the previous time. If our sex got any better,
my life would be in serious danger.
As I turned out the light and went to sleep, I thought
guiltily about our little 'accident'. If it was okay with
her, it was okay with me, but I seriously didn’t want to
screw up her life or mine by getting her pregnant. We’d
just have to be more careful next time, though part of me
still couldn’t believe that this was really happening, and
I half-expected to wake up and find out that it was all a

I was awakened sometime early the next morning by the
painful impact of John’s fist into my gut. I half-sat up,
holding my arms up protectively as I gasped for breath and
tried to figure out what was going on. He shoved me back
down on the bed, and I knew what it was as soon as I saw the
look on

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