
Interactive Edition

Chapter 1 by TheBDSMWriter TheBDSMWriter

Everyone trusts their best friend, including Hannah, but that’s what got her into this situation, right?


“Please, please, PLEASE!” she pleaded, “we’ll both make a ton of money and I promise no one will know.”

“I don’t know . . .” Hannah said, knowing full well that the answer was no; she just wanted to let her friend down easy.

“Okay. Hannah, Hans, Love . . . I have something to tell you.”

“Okay?” Hannah replied.

“I already did it. Well, did it twice,” her friend said, looking away to avoid eye contact.”


“I know! But don’t freak out too much, please. If you join me next time, I’ll get a referral bonus for every future session I do. And that’s double the normal rate! You’ll also get a bonus, but yours will only be for the first session—I think—we’ll have to ask.” Hannah hated those puppy dog eyes her friend was giving her. She knew her friend could basically talk her into anything when she scrunched up her face and made her eyes as large as an anime character’s.

Hannah rolled her eyes and said, “You bitch.”

Her friend squealed with giddiness. “Yes! I’ll book it. Thank you, Love!” She kissed Hannah on the cheek. “You won’t regret it.”

Hannah was already regretting it.


Hannah’s parents would kill her if they found out, literally kill her. Okay, they wouldn’t literally kill her, but she would be figuratively fucked. They trusted her and she had begged them to let her study abroad with her friend that moved back to America. Now that she was abroad, was she really just going to do something that was straight out of their worst nightmares? She guessed that, yeah, she was going to do that, all because of her bad influence friend.

Five-thousand dollars was a lot of money—and god knows she needed it. Wait, no it was going to be ten-thousand, assuming Madison was right, and that was a big assumption. Ten-thousand dollars. She’d have enough to last the entire year, including the money she had already saved. The situation didn’t seem all that bad now, as long as all, or at least most, of the details that Madison provided were correct. There would be no face pics, no sex, she would be allowed to approve each picture, and it wouldn’t take longer than an hour or two. It couldn’t be that bad if her friend did it twice.

Madison called her at 10pm the next night, but she pressed the ignore button. She was already on a video call with her parents and she wasn’t about to leave them for her. The timezone difference between South Korea and America, as well as everyone’s schedules, meant that they could only speak once a week anyway. Looking at her parent’s faces made her start to reconsider too. Of course, she wasn’t going to tell her parents, but the guilt of betraying them was immense.

The phone rang again—and she pressed ignore again.

“Who keeps calling you, Hannah?” her mother asked. “Do you need to go?”

“Just a friend, Mom”

“Take the call, Darling. We’ll talk again soon,” her mom said. She wanted to tell her that she didn’t want to take the call, but she knew her mom would ask why. Lying to her mom wasn’t something she wanted to do either.

“Okay, Mom. Thank you. Love you,” Hannah said before turning off the video call.

She stared at the phone and decided that she wasn’t going to call Madison back. If she wanted to talk that badly, she’d call again. In fact, Hannah expected her to call again, or at least send a text asking her why the fuck she wasn’t answering her phone.

The phone rang again—because of course it did.

“Hello?” Hannah answered.

“Saturday, Love.”

“Okay,” Hannah said.

“You could act a little more thrilled. It’s really not bad and don’t you want to have some fun in America? That money will mean we don’t have to work—at all; we’ll be able to do whatever we want!” her friend encouraged.

“Yeah. Let’s just get it over with. I supposed it can’t be worse than working all year.”

“It won’t be. I’ll send you directions and we’ll meet there on Saturday at 5.”

“Will I need anything?” Hannah inquired.

“Nothing. See you on Saturday.”

The line went dead.


Saturday arrived and Hannah woke up with a turning stomach. She must have laid in bed for an hour, dreading meeting her friend later. When she did get up, the day seemed to drag on and on. She didn’t want to do anything, which meant staring at her phone, watching some TV, then staring at her phone some more. The time was finally 4:30 and she knew from the online directions it would take about twenty-five minutes to get there. It was time to go.


The building was on the edge of the city, about half a mile from anything else. Hannah pulled into the concrete parking lot that was now gravel due to age. She put her beater of a car in park; the same car that her parents bought her when she first moved abroad. It only needed to last a year or two, just long enough for her to finish school, and so far it was holding up.

Madison was leaning up against the brick wall near the entrance, dressed to kill. She wore a pale blue box-pleated skirt and a dark gray form-fitted t-shirt, the kind with sleeves that barely leave the shoulder. As expected, she waved Hannah over before she had time to leave the car.

Hannah got out and slowly walked up to Madison, purposely dragging her feet.

“What the hell are you wearing?” Madison asked.

“What? You said I didn’t need to bring anything.”

“But sweatpants and a sweatshirt? You’re lucky they have stuff for you to change,” Madison said, her mouth still agape with shock. “Let’s go in.”

A beautiful woman was the first to greet them as they entered. She could have been a model and Hannah couldn’t help but feel slightly jealous of her perfect figure. Hannah was no slouch when it came to looks, but everyone always said she was more cute than hot. The presence of this woman made her feel a little better too. It made her feel like it wasn’t only going to be a bunch of perverted guys.

After the initial introductions, the woman directed Hannah to get changed into a designated outfit in the fitting room. The outfit included a skirt and t-shirt almost exactly like Madison’s, with the only difference being that they were pure black. While there, it dawned on her that she better ask for the specific details of the arrangement, as only relying on Madison wasn’t the best idea.

She exited the fitting room and saw Hannah chatting with the woman and another guy that had just joined them. The guy lit up as soon as he saw Hannah leave the fitting room.

“Ah, you must be our newest referral. Hannah is it?” he asked.

“Yes sir.” Hannah replied. “While I was getting changed I thought that I should probably ask for the details. Do you have some information before we continue?” The man looked at the other woman.

“Kelsey, can you supply her with the normal agreement?” he said.

A few minutes later the woman came back empty handed. “I apologize, Hannah, but our printer seems to be having some issues. We’ll have to get you that document after the shoot, but are there any questions I can answer for you?”

The woman spent ten, maybe even fifteen minutes, answering all of Hannah’s questions. Hannah was fairly satisfied with the details—not happy—but satisfied.

The details were that the photo shoot would last about an hour and they wouldn’t take any pictures of Hannah’s face. No face shots was absolutely vital to her. This has to be a complete secret that no one she knew could ever know about. The photo shoot would also be BDSM themed, but no sex would occur. It would basically just be Hannah tied up and dressed sexy. And the absolute best part of it was that Hannah would be paid ten-thousand dollars for one hour of work.

Unlike the entry area, the next room they were in looked exactly like a standard hotel room. If Hannah didn’t know any better, she would have swore that they were actually in a hotel room. The original man, which Hannah now knew was named Bram, and another man entered the room. Hannah and Madison were both instructed to stand in front of two separate doors, Hannah in front of the bathroom and Madison at the closet. Attached to the top of both doors were restraints, and by the look of it, they were mostly made of leather with some steel. Bram put Madison’s hands above her head and began attaching the restraints around her wrists, while the other man did the same to Hannah.

She was doing her best to avoid eye contact with the stranger that was tying her up. Her stomach was turning and she could feel her face getting flushed, while the rest of her body felt clammy. Even though Madison started getting tied up first, Hannah was now completely secured while Bram was letting Madison’s hands down.

Worried, Hannah called across the room, “What’s going on Madison?”

Bram was the one to respond. “Nothing to worry about. We’re just having a minor issue with the restraints. She’ll be right back.” Madison left the room.

The other man picked up a camera and began to take pictures of Hannah. He made Hannah nervous. Even though she didn’t necessarily want to have a conversation with him, he hadn’t said one word to her the entire time. Then he pointed the camera directly at her face, which made Hannah instinctively try to hide herself; unfortunately, the restraints made that impossible. He snapped the photo.

“Hey! The deal was no face pics.” The annoyance in her voice was obvious.

“No worries. We’ll edit those out,” Bram said, while the cameraman snapped another photo, still not saying a word.

A few more photos later and Madison still hadn’t returned to the room. The camera man adjusted the restraints and Hannah felt her arms getting more free. “Is that it? We’re done?” Hannah asked.

“Almost,” Bram replied, still standing across the room.

Hannah’s arms were lowered more and the cameraman gave her a gentle shove to her knees. He then wrapped restraints around her thighs that attached to the lower part of the door. They just barely didn’t allow her to completely close her legs, which made her uncomfortable. She was low to the ground so no one would be able to see her panties under the skirt, but it still made her feel exposed. The cameraman went back up to the overhead restraint and pulled it taut. This entire position made her feel ****. She was on her knees with her arms pulled tightly over her head; not to mention her legs were slightly spread with very little possible movement.

When the cameraman stood back up from restraining her, he stared downward. She stared back up, her eyes struggling to look up far enough. One thing she did notice was that he wasn’t reaching for his camera, which was sitting on the bed.

“Are you going to take some more photos?” she asked.

He shook his head to mean no, then began fumbling with his pant’s zipper.

“Hey! What the fuck are you doing?” she demanded.

Madison burst back into the room and Hannah immediately made eye contact with her. Bram stepped in front of Madison to try to steer her back out of the room.

He whispered to Madison, but Hannah still heard, “I thought you were leaving? Why are you still here?”

“I was . . . I mean I’m going to, but I had to come back for a second,” Madison whispered back.

When Hannah turned her head back towards the camera man, she saw it. He was holding his cock in his hand and it was swollen with blood. It was so large that Hannah almost thought she could see it throbbing. Her flight instinct kicked in and she pulled away with all of her ****.

“Madison, help me!” she screamed. The guy was pushing his dick closer to her mouth and she swung her head from side to side to avoid touching it. “Madison!” she yelled again.

She was once again able to make eye contact with her friend, but her friend looked small, ashamed, not the uber confident girl that she was with just twenty minutes ago. “I’m sorry, Love,” Madison said to her in a barely audible voice.

“What’s going on??” Hannah called to her.

“I need the money. I’m sorry. Traveling is expensive,” Madison said. And with that, she left through the mock hotel room door, for a second time.

“Madison! Madison, please!” she continued to call her for friend. Bram closed the door after Madison exited.

Hannah’s skin felt ice cold, yet sweat was beading up on it. She opened her mouth to scream again, but was cut off by the monster cock slamming into it. Disregarding the restraints she tried to pull her arms down in a defensive manner. Her airway was being cut off and her body was doing its best to save her life. It was useless. The restraints were too strong and secured too well. Her body’s next reaction was to throw up, but right as the bile was building in her throat the appendage left her mouth.

No matter how much she hyperventilated, her lungs didn’t seem to be able to get enough air. The cock slammed back into her mouth, touching the back of her throat. Again her body tried to react by pulling her arms down, even though her brain knew they couldn’t go anywhere. She was able to partially turn her head to one side to provide slight relief from the intruding dick. However, the man countered by gripping the side and top of the door, then pushing his dick deeper. He was using all of his muscle to push into her throat; that was the advantage he enjoyed. This guy was not only multiple times stronger than Hannah, he could use his entire body for leverage, while she only had her neck. Her arms began shaking uncontrollably as if she was heading into a seizure. The world was going black.

The dick was pulled back out to allow her a few more gasps of air, but he continued pounding her mouth for what felt like hours. It was more likely only a few minutes, but Hannah couldn’t tell if she was conscious or not anymore. He shoved his dick in deep again, deeper than he went any previous time. It started to bend down her throat when she felt the powerful throbbing. He was primally grunting as the explosion erupted from his penis. The cum completely bypassed her mouth, skipping over her tongue, and flowed like a waterfall down her throat. Hannah knew it had to have been at least half a measuring cup’s worth of cum.

When he pulled back to release her, she couldn’t even cough or **** because there was no cum in her throat anymore to cough or **** on. It was directly transplanted into her stomach.

The amazing thing isn’t that she never imagined ever experiencing something like this, it’s that she had never even giving a blowjob before. In Korea, before moving to America, she had had two boyfriends, each one was a year apart. The first one had been her first kiss, but they didn’t do anything sexual. She did do sexual things with the second, but nothing more than feeling him up and giving him an occasional handjob; her shyness didn’t allow her to go any further than that yet.

The man zipped up his pants while Bram walked over and leaned down to Hannah. He put a hand on her cheek to hold her head up. She was just letting it fall due to her strength being zapped from her body. The look on her face was one of defeat and degradation.

“Hannah, I have a lot to explain to you,” he said.

Bram and the cameraman walked out of the room.

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