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Chapter 2 by TheBDSMWriter TheBDSMWriter

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Official Chapter Two

Hannah didn’t die, but she wished she had. Her friend had betrayed her, the only person she truly knew in America, and now she was a ****. That’s what Bram had called her: a ****. Despite what had just taken place, she didn’t feel like a ****. But what was a **** supposed to feel like? A million thoughts ran through her head: schooling, Madison, her family, her life. Would she ever see her family again? If she ever did escape, would her life be irrevocably ruined? What about school? What would they say when she didn’t turn up to class for days, weeks, or months? When would her parents find out that she’s missing?

People hear stories about this type of thing, but they’re just stories, or at least that’s what Hannah thought. This was what her parents were afraid of, their little girl being kidnapped in a foreign country. This was worse than their wildest fears.

Bram had explain as much as he was willing to explain shortly after her **** blowjob. She was a **** for their organization now. They rent slaves out to wealthy buyers and she had only one job now, which was to obey. If she didn’t obey, she’d be punished. When she asked them if she would ever see her family again, they told her she had no family now. That tore her up inside. It made her want to die right there. She was trying to will herself to die, imagining her mother not knowing what happened to her.

She had asked about Madison too. Bram initially just shook his head at the question, which confused her. He went on to explain that what she assumed was correct, Madison had sold her to them. The thing that bothered him was why she sold her to them. Their vendors, as he called them, usually sell slaves to them because they are in crippling debt or part of another underground criminal organization. Madison’s reason was that she wanted to travel the world and not work while she went to school. Bram had said, “We’re all sadists here, but your friend is on another level.”

Bram was the person to take her down to the holding area, an area of the building that housed the other slaves. Hannah had no idea why, but she imagined that she’d be entering a room with hundreds of slaves, maybe even thousands. Scenes from prison movies were the only things in her mind. It certainly felt like she was going to prison. Her hands were cuffed behind her back and Bram walked her quietly down the stairs leading into the basement, one hand on her arm to prevent her from running.

The basement was pitch black until Bram hit a light switch, revealing a huge empty room with an ancient looking elevator on one wall. It looked like something from the 60s and she was doubtful it would even run. Unfortunately for her, the elevator doors slid open, allowing them both to step inside. It rumbled and squeaked for ages, making Hannah wonder how deep underground he was taking her. The farther the elevator traveled, the less hopeful she was of ever being rescued.

It stopped and the doors slid open again, but this room was much smaller than the first basement. It had ten cages that reminded her of large dog kennels, inside each one there was a bed and small desk, hers had various good items on top. Almost all of the cages were vacant except for two. The first one held a white woman dressed in short shorts and a tank top, most likely around twenty-five years old. Cage number two contained another Asian woman with a skirt and t-shirt similar to Hannah’s, but she wasn’t Korean. Hannah guessed she was Chinese, but couldn’t be sure. She looked to be about twenty-five too.

Bram opened the third cage and pushed Hannah in, locking it behind her. Immediately Hannah went over to the food and began eating, not realizing how hungry she had been. When Bram got back on the elevator, the Chinese girl gestured to Hannah.

“Hi, my name’s Lai,” she said.

“I’m Hannah.”

“How did you end up here, Hannah?” Lai asked.

“Bad friend,” Hannah said, before going on to tell the whole story.

By the end, Lai was hanging on to every word. More than once she referred to Madison as a bitch. Hannah didn’t disagree. Lai told her she herself had been enslaved for more than six years and that the other girl, named Maya, had been here for two years. That didn’t comfort Hannah at all.

She then asked about any other slaves and why there were so many cages, but that made Lai quiet. Maya chimed in with, “Just tell her. Better to find out from us, than them.”

“Tell me what?” Hannah asked.

“So, what do you know about this place? Do you know the details of the **** rentals?” Lai asked.

“No,” Hannah replied.

Lai took a deep breath then said, “There are two levels of rentals. The basic level allows the buyer to rent you for a specific period of time and they must return you in at least a somewhat decent condition. Almost all of the rentals are like that.”

“Okay, what’s the other level?”

“The other level is called premium. We’ve seen many slaves not come back from being rented as premium,” Lai said.

“Well, maybe that just means they’re sold?” Hannah asked.

“No. That’s not what it means,” Lai started, “some slaves do come back from premium. We don’t know the exact details, but premium allows the renter to do whatever they want to you. We think that if you die, they just have to pay a small fee or something.” An ominous silence spread across the room before Lai said, “Every one of those cages held someone that was rented as premium.”

A lump formed in Hannah’s throat and her legs were growing weak.

“Hey girl, are you alright? You’re not looking so good,” Maya said.

Hannah stumbled backward and landed on the bed. She turned over and closed her eyes. “I think I’m gonna get some rest. This is too much for me,” Hannah said.

Try as she might, it took her over thirty minutes to fall asleep. It’s hard to sleep when you can’t stop crying.

She woke up to clanging and screeching from the elevator. It stopped with a whoosh of air being compressed under it. Bram exited with the cameraman, who Hannah had began referring to in her head as Mr. Silent.

“Congrats, Hannah. It’s time for your first rental,” he said, “and you’ll be joining her, Lai.”

Lai went to her cage’s door and turned around, putting both hands behind her back. She had done this hundreds of times.

“Follow Lai’s lead and turn around, Hannah,” Bram said. Hannah obeyed.

After the door was opened and she was handcuffed, Hannah asked where they were going. That immediately earned her a slap across the face by Mr. Silent, which stunned her. Tears were beginning to well up in her eyes again, but she knew that’s what they wanted. She swallowed hard to hold them back.

Both girls were now out of their cages and being held by Mr. Silent, while Bram headed back toward the elevator. Hannah heard a loud squeaking again and for a brief moment thought Bram had turned the elevator back on. What she saw instead was him pulling a large rolling cart toward them, it contained some sort of wooden furniture. It got closer and she noticed that it was two matching pieces of furniture, both were long and skinny. They were about the size of . . . coffins. Her heart skipped a beat. They were going to kill her. There was no rental. She needed to get out of here immediately, but how?

Bram opened both wooden boxes and Hannah saw that the insides were laced with a thin layer of padding. He looked at Mr. Silent, which made him start forcing Hannah toward one of the boxes.

“No. No! Please God no. Don’t put me in there,” Hannah pleaded. She could hear the sound of Lai’s voice, but couldn’t make out the words over her own begging.

First the first time she heard Bram raise his voice. “Get the fuck in the box!”

Then she was able to make out Lai’s voice and it said, “Hannah, it’s fine. This is normal.”

This being normal only calmed her slightly; she was severely claustrophobic. “I can’t. Please! I’m claustrophobic!” she screamed. Despite her intense struggle, Mr. Silent shoved her in the box. She wanted to stop the lid from closing, but her cuffed hands weren’t cooperating.

The lid slammed shut and she heard the lock click.

How was Lai so calm? Hannah’s breathing quickened and the walls were closing in on her. The box allowed for almost no movement. She continued pleading, but started to feel like she was running out of air, instead, she began hyperventilating. It took half an hour before she eventually started to get used to her situation, but they had moved her around so much that she had lost all sense of orientation. She didn’t even know if Lai was still with her or not.

The box had stopped moving, but she could hear shuffling around it, then silence. It was quiet for a long time and Hannah’s muscles began to tense up. Not being able to move made her realize how for granted she took the simple act of stretching.

An hour passed before she heard more movement outside of the box. Her box’s lid was now being opened and the light made her squint. It was a well dressed man, suit and tie, staring down at her. He was slim, but she could tell he had powerful arms by how easily he lifted her up. Even though the room had no central lighting, only wall-mounted lights, she could see multiple other boxes scattered around. All of them looked similar to hers, but only Lai’s matched perfectly. There were two girls standing next to their boxes and both of them were Asian too. The final two boxes were being opened by other men similarly dressed to the guy that opened her own box. One of them contained Lai and the other one was just another random Asian girl. Hannah was sickened by the thought that whoever rented them all obviously had a strong Asian fetish. What did they call it, yellow fever?

Another man entered and commanded the room just by his body language. He was slim, but outwardly powerful. A table holding various small boxes was his destination. Each girl was positioned by the various guys (henchmen?) to stand along the wall, their handcuffs were secured behind them.

“Welcome!” the main guy boomed, without turning around to face them.

No one responded.

“That’s okay. I’m sure you are all very nervous and wondering what’s going to happen,” he said. “We’re going to play a little game.”

Each girl looked confused, including Lai, which made Hannah have butterflies. If Lai was confused, how was Hannah supposed to cope?

“The game is called Obey,” he said, “Asian edition.” He turned his head and had a smile on his face, a smile of amusement. Then he turned around completely and said, “The basic rules are simple. There are five boxes of cards up here labeled 1-5. They are also in order from easiest to hardest. Each one of you will get to pick which deck you want to draw from. If you complete the task on the card, you get that number of points. If you don’t complete the task, you don’t get any points. You have to do the task, but we’ll be the judge of if you actually complete it. The game will end after a certain numbers of rounds are played, but that number is secret. There are other twists, but those are the basic rules.”

Each girl looked at each other with more confusion.

“Also,” he said, “the girl with the most points gets their freedom.”

Hannah involuntarily audibly gasped. Luckily, every other girl also gasped so she didn’t stick out. One thing she knew for sure, she had to win this game.

A henchman approached the girl on the end and announced, “Player One: Japanese, twenty-one years old, secretly likes BDSM according to her computer history before slavery.” The girl’s mouth dropped open, not expecting that last part. The girl looked innocent and younger than twenty-one. Hannah wondered if she really did secretly like BDSM, and did that help her with her new life in slavery?

The man moved to the next girl and announced, “Player Two: Thai, twenty-six years old, cheated on her boyfriend.” That girl didn’t look shocked.

On the third girl he said, “Player Three: Filipino, twenty-five years old, cam girl for six months. This girl also didn’t look shocked. They must all be expecting that they knew more than they thought. But Hannah wondered what they would say about her.

He was now at Lai and announced, “Player Four: Chinese, twenty-four years old, **** for six years.”

“A veteran ****, huh?” the leader chuckled.

When he got to Hannah he said, “Player Five: Korean, eighteen years old—And a virgin. Hannah’s eyes went wide. How did they know she was a virgin?? That bitch Madison must have told Bram.

“A virgin?” the host said, shocked. “I love that . . . Okay! Let the games begin.”

Player One picked box 5, which made Hannah think that she really did secretly like BDSM. Surely she didn’t like being a real ****, but maybe the girl thought she could handle harder tasks, so planned on gaining an early lead against the others.

The host picked a card from box 5 and read it aloud: “Free turn. The player gets 5 points for free, but also must choose another player to pick a level 5 card. The other player is only eligible for 1 point from that card.” He slow clapped, then said, “Very lucky first pick. Who’s your choice?”

Player One looked down the row of girls, then sighed.

“Pick now or you’re regret it,” the host said.

She looked down the row again and said, “Her. Player Four.”

That was Lai.

The host drew another card from box 5. “Hair removal, by hand.” No one knew what it meant at first, but one of the henchman pulled a large table out into the room.

They stripped Lai naked, then laid her down on her back, strapping her arms and legs to each corner, spread eagle. She looked terrified and we still didn’t know what they were going to do to her. Shave her head? A henchman approached and was stretching a medical glove over one hand. Then Hannah realized what was happening. He was going to pull her pubic hair out . . . with his hand! Hannah flinched, squeezing her legs together at the terrible thought.

The man reached down and wrapped his whole hand around her pubic hair. Lai didn’t have much, but he still had a good handful. The only words to escape Lai’s mouth were, “oh, fuck.” Then he pulled. Her scream was ear-piercing and lasted forever. Every single girl cringed simultaneously. Hannah thought she was going to draw blood by biting her lip so hard. Lai’s hair was released, yet she was still screaming from the residual pain. Just as she stopped to catch her breath, he pulled again. This time the hair ripped free and each girl cringed again. Lai’s screams were the only sound in the room, but they subsided after twenty or thirty seconds.

Player One, the girl that had chosen Lai to be put in this situation, began ****. No, she wasn’t ****, she was attempting to hold back vomit. Apparently, watching a girl get her pubic hair ripped out was too much for her, or maybe she just felt guilty about causing it. Even if she was into BDSM, her tastes didn’t go that far. A small dribble of puke ran down the side of her mouth before she eventually choked the rest of it back down. One of the henchman hurried over and wiped her mouth with a napkin.

Hannah looked back over to Lai and saw the henchman that performed the task walking away.

“No, no,” the host said. “Finish it.”

“Please don’t. I can’t take it anymore!” screamed Lai. But the henchman ignored her and came back, grabbing another chunk of hair.

“Please! Don’t you understand I can’t!” Lai continued to plea.

He eventually had to grab two more bunches of hair before finishing the task. Hannah knew she would never forget that scream. It was a scream of pure terror and torment. They didn’t both re-clothing Lai before attaching her back to the wall next to Hannah. Her pussy was bald and it wouldn’t have been more cleanly removed if it had been shaven with a razor. The only way for her to soothe the pain was to cross her legs, which was difficult. Lai didn’t say a word, but Hannah saw the tears running down her cheeks.

She wanted to say something, but knew that nothing she said would make Lai feel better. Then she heard the host say, “Okay. Let’s continue.”

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