Arkham Sexy Sirens

Chapter 1 by magicmirrorx magicmirrorx

You arrive at the abandoned office where Poison Ivy is holding Catwoman captive. Catwoman, Selina Kyle, mentioned Ivy was angry with her for letting her plants die. You didn’t think anything of it at the time – plants are plants, sometimes they die. It was a mistake to think that an eco-terrorist like Ivy would simply let go of the incident. And shortly after rescuing you from the collapsed warehouse, Selina disappeared.
The tracker you put on her led you here. The front of the tall office building is all glass and a gang of thugs guard the sides. You creep through the shadows avoiding the streetlights. From there you grapple your way to the rooftop. The door to the stairs has been left open but you suspect a trap and peek through the skylight first. You can’t believe your eyes!
The room below is completely overgrown with Ivy’s mutated plants. On the bed of flora is Catwoman, bound and gagged in a way. Living vines have coiled around her wrists and waist. Her costume has been prised open so that the flowery heads of the green tendrils can grope her shapely breasts and invade her nether regions. She drools as another vine pumps rhythmically into her mouth.
Mesmerised, you nearly cum in your pants from the sight of it all, and then…
“Gotcha!” Harley screams as she strikes your head from behind. You stumble a moment too long and can do nothing to prevent a cloud of spores being blown in your face…

“Wakey, wakey!” A hard slap from Harley brings you around.
You are in the plant-filled room tied securely to an office chair. Catwoman lays on the bed of flowers, unbound and with Harley. They seem close. You grimace as you feel a sting in your neck. You have just been injected with something.
“Looking for me, Batman?” Ivy taunts before joining the other two girls. They all seem close.
“So the Sirens are back together then. Catwoman was never in any danger was she?”
Catwoman steps forward. “Afraid not, handsome. But I’m touched that you tried to rescue me.”
“Yeah, poor Batman,” Harley continues. “Big bad Bat beaten by baseball bat.” She reaches up grabbing one of Catwoman’s tits. “And let’s not forget, boobs!”
“It was my pleasure,” purrs Catwoman.
Ivy laughs. “Yes, awfully nice of you to come to the rescue then watch the girl getting defiled by my beauties.” She caresses the Cat who returns the favour by sticking her tongue into the nymph’s mouth. “Look, he gets hard so quickly. Impressive, or might it be something flowing through your veins?”
“What did you inject me with, Ivy?”
“Oh, nothing you won’t enjoy. The toxin is going to make you crave sex. You won’t be thinking straight until you climax. In the meantime, we are going to rob a few banks, fill the city with poisonous spores and generally take over however we want. Try to stop us if you can. We each have part of the antidote. Or maybe you’ll come to like being in a constant state of arousal. And don’t worry about getting tired. You’ll find your strength recovers much faster than usual.”
“So you’re trying to humiliate me. Is that it? Why tell me your plan as well?”
“Catwoman taught me the thrill is in the chase. Every flower cares for its pollinator, darling. You’re too precious a plaything to simply leave for dead and we don’t want you to be a disappointment. Us girls just wanna have fun…and we want you to as well.”
“That’s right, B-man,” says Harley, walking towards you. “Sit tight; cos we’re gonna get this party started.”
With that, Harley gives your chair a mighty shove sending you rolling backwards and a whip lash from Catwoman has you spinning.
“Go plant some seeds, hero.”
“Catch me if you can, handsome.”
“See ya later, alligator!”
The laughter of the Sirens ring in your ears as you smash through the glass and plummet to the ground…

what happens next?

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