Amulet of the Universe

the chosen destiny

Chapter 1 by superman07 superman07

Three days ago you were given an amulet. It seemed pretty standard as far as finding random amulets go. Gold chain, red jewel in the center, standard stuff right? In fact you probably would have pawned it off by now if it weren’t for that weird message that came with it…

The moment you put the amulet on there was a voice inside your head. It called itself Cosma and claimed to be the orchestrator of the universe. She rambled on about how you were the lucky one to find this amulet, yada, yada, yada. The important thing she mentioned was that with the amulet you could manipulate the universe around you – even travel between universes!

Of course it sounded ludicrous, it sounded like someone out of the shows you would watch. But curiosity was a funny thing.

Her instructions had been simple. When you wanted to do something all you had to do was touch the amulet and create a mental description of your wish. You would be able to bend the minds of those around you depending on your desire, something that could come in handy for when traveling universes. To them you could be the long lost sibling and they’d think nothing of it.

The only catch, because there was always one, was that you couldn’t reveal the power of the amulet. Apparently there could be some cosmic forces coming after you if you did but by that point you had tuned Cosma out.

Since then you had neither heard from the mysterious voice nor tried out the amulet. As good as it sounded it also sounded too good. But three days in you were starting to feel like the amulet was staring at you, urging you to put it on and use it.

Well it was like they said, nothing ventured nothing gained right?

Picking up the amulet it immediately started to glow in your grasp. “Straight to it, huh? Okay then.” Focusing you tried to imagine the scenario you wanted. The biggest problem was figuring out scenario you wanted. It could be something as simple (yet gratifying) as seeing your hot neighbor naked; though that messing with the universes thing did some more fun.

Choices, choices.

What scenario do you imagine?

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