Acting Class

Not what he was expecting

Chapter 1 by MoistVonLipwig MoistVonLipwig

Chapter 1

John had decided to go to acting class to try and overcome his shyness and give a little room to his creative side. He had only been going for a few weeks, but he was really enjoying it. There was the usual mix of wanna-be stars, weirdos, cool people, a few quiet people like him and the just plain loud. After a couple of weeks, the acting coach gave everyone the assignment to think of an activity they would like to share at the next session.

This was great. John had always loved the arms game, sometimes called "helping hands" that they did on improv shows, and he thought it could be perfect to share as a group exercise.

Although. And it was a big "although". John REALLY liked seeing one person slide their arms through another person's armpits and "become" them for a while. Basically, it gave him a hard-on every time he saw it on YouTube or TikTok. This would be a big test of overcoming his shyness and he could get to be the arms of someone else. Oh man, he could be the hands and arms of that loud mouth blonde, what was her name? Claire! That was it. Oh, how he would enjoy controlling her every move and she would have to go along with it, for the sake of the acting class.

The next week's session eventually came around, the days had dragged as John did little more than imagine what it would be like to live out his fantasy.

"So anyone want to go first with their activity?" said the coach. There was a moment of silence as people looked at each other not wanting to be the first to volunteer.

"Yeah, I'll go first" John found himself saying much to his and everyone else's surprise. He was seen by the others as quiet and maybe a bit odd.

"Great! So come on up front here and tell us all what you've got"

John stood and made his way to the front of the class.

"So. I thought it would be cool to do the helping hands game they do on improv shows, you know, the one where....."

John didn't get a chance to finish his sentence. Claire had jumped up and was heading towards him.

"Oh! I know this one. You shove your arms through and wave them about, like this"

Before he knew it, John was standing in front of the entire class with Claire pressed hard up against him with her arms out in front taking control of the whole thing. The fantasy was becoming a nightmare. John fought to control the rising blush of embarrassment and much worse than that, the growing erection in his pants.

"Great idea!" enthused the coach. "Wait a second, I think I can help with this". The coach rummaged around in the props box and came back with a long blonde wig and a large blue satin dress. He draped the dress over the heads of both John and Claire and closed it up at the back. It was a very snug fit and had the effect of locking them together. Next, the wig went onto John's head. With Claire's long slender fingers and painted nails, John was now an attractive blonde from the front and an odd-looking creature from the side.

"Perfect! Now let's improvise a scene. Suggestion for John and Claire to act out, anyone?"

"Changing a baby's diaper!" was the first shout and got an instant laugh from the rest of the class.

"Ok, diaper changing it is! I'll time you and then we can switch around for others to have a go."

John could feel Claire's breath on his neck as he tried to quieten the rising panic. His new arms started moving before he had time to think properly. "His" left hand came up and ran its fingers through his new long, flowing hair, before tucking it behind his ear. Both of his new hands now adjusted the neckline of his dress and smoothed down the front before raising up and wiggling their fingers in front of him.

"Do you like my nails? It's a new colour I'm trying" blurted out John. This got a great laugh that surprised the hell out of John. Wow, this is actually cool.

Claire's hands proceeded to mime picking up a baby and laying it down on an imaginary table in front of them. John started talking about the importance of regular diaper changes.

"It's always up to me to change little Tyler here. That no-good lazy ass husband of mine is never around when he's needed." More laughs and John began to relax a little, although he was still sporting a raging boner, happily hidden beneath the pleats of the dress.

Claire continued the mime of changing the baby, with occasional pauses to scratch John's face, play with "her" long blonde hair or adjust the dress they were both wearing so well.

Just as John was wondering how long the coach was going to let this run, "his" arms mimed cradling the baby to his chest. John saw an opportunity to wrap up the story...

"Oh my. Little Tyler is hungry. Excuse me while I whip out a boob and feed him". John and Claire moved to the side of the stage heading for the wings.

The biggest laugh and actual applause followed and the coach stood up to help John and Claire, but Claire had actually managed to bend her arms around to undo the dress, freeing them both as the dress fell to the floor. As it did so, Claire couldn't help but notice the bulge in John's pants. To John's surprise, she moved quickly in front of him as the coach approached.

"Great start to the session John, love the idea. And great improv work as well Claire. I loved the way you two interacted."

"Thanks!" they said in unison and then both laughed at the unintended synchronised speech.

"I'd like to go again with John as my arms, if that's OK with you?" said Claire.

"Sure, but let's give some of the others a go first." said the coach.

John's boner had deflated at the thought of being seen by the approaching coach and as he returned to his seat, he was hardly able to take in what had just happened. As he sat there waiting for the next duo to be selected his thoughts moved to that original idea of controlling Claire, but now they could be in that dress... John's chair tipped over as he bolted for the restrooms.

Claire couldn't help but smile at the sight of this awkward guy stumbling towards the toilets. He was really growing on her.

What's next?

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