Across the Bimboverse

Across the Bimboverse

Realities returned to ecstasy

Chapter 1 by Miasma of Lust Miasma of Lust

The universe is truly a massive expanse of existence. So massive that near infinite stars, worlds, and lives could exist within it. But as the age of exploration and science has shown us. There is always more out there. The multiverse is a fantastical idea that is seen in countless stories. But even then, how could so many different interpretations of the rules for the multiverse coexist. Well, as I said, there is always more out there. The omniverse, the multiverse of multiverses. Containing all of the various realities that span the vast expanses of imagination. And then there is the creators of this great expanse of creation. The great entities. Each embodying a different aspect of reality. Including a beautiful glowing pink silhouette known as Ambrosia that is the entity of beauty and love.

The entities spent the primordial days of the Omniverse crafting and molding the countless universes to their desires and ideals. Ensuring that even when evil raises its’ ugly head, there are heroes to slay it, that everyone has a purpose and will find and fulfill it relatively easier, and that love conquers all. Eventually the entities were content enough in their creations that they left them. Returning from whatever bizarre greater plane that they hailed from. However, after however many eons passed, Ambrossia felt forlorn, missing the omniverse that she and so many others put their blood sweat and tears into. So, she returned to check up on it only to find a horrendous, despicable plague spreading through the realities.

Villains winning but somehow maintaining control, even to the point of reshaping society to their dark desires, dreams and wishes being crushed by the world, Even the laws of physics and nature warping to torment the mortals Ambrosia cared so much for. Aging them past their designated ages, making large assets harmful or even unhealthy to them, and flipping the ratio of beauty and ugliness. Ambrosia was absolutely horrified by what she found then investigated for the source of this curse spreading through her creations. A dark, hateful world that demonizes sex appeal and fun whilst completely disregarding any and all of the narrative laws that the entities imbued all existence with. Ambrosia decided to name this bleak world “No Tale” as in addition to vilifying love and arousal, there is no story or plot line for the world to follow. It just exists with no clear purpose or flow where even the chaos that populates it is weather agonizingly mundane or sickeningly cruel. Not the kind that causes fun or humor.

This world seemed to be a direct insult to everything that Ambrosia stands for as it was nearly completely drained of the type of beauty and love she blessed existence with. Even going so far as to say her ideas were unrealistic and misogynistic. Not that she’d even know what the latter word even means. She is furious that this world had spread its’ evil across the vast omniverse and decided to over correct by destroying the dark aura with her own loving aura that fixed all of the problems in No Tale. Returning it to a bimbolicious wonderland that she believed it should be.

Ambrosias’ magic infused itself across the omniverse. Correcting the corruption that No Tale had spread throughout it. Even more than just that actually. Ambrosia wanted to make sure that if such an ailment afflicts existence again, the symptoms won’t be as severe before she can remedy the issue. No more of this toxic feminism or war on beauty that she’s been seeing spread through her precious creations. The girls of the multiverse will return to their rightful place, happily pleasuring men and each other. Dutifully rewarding the heroes with their supple sexy bodies. And loving every second of attention their bodies receive.

Shooting out a massive pulse of her magic all throughout existence. Curing the modest outfits and frigid personalities of the beings she crafted for these worlds. Returning them to the flirty beauties that have fun with allies and happily sass enemies rather than lecture them for things unrelated to their crimes.

So many worlds have been corrected or simply change to prevent future corruptions. So many stories and characters altered to fit the new abundance of lust and love that dominates existence now. With the only question being, which worlds’ changes should be seen first?

What corner of the Omniverse do we explore first?

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