Accidental Ally

Accidental Ally

Worst Intentions, Best results

Chapter 1 by OathkeeperPath OathkeeperPath

I'm not back from Hiatus yet but I did find the time to make/post this, with any luck my doctor stuff will be sorted out soon and I'll be able to put more time into this. Still won't be at the same rate as before but 1-4 chapters a month is better than none. Wish me luck!

Rough Draft v4 (Authors Note: Read allowed to self to make sure it sounds good inside and outside your own head, Need to add detail and fix some errors. Might add first sex scene but might be too early.

Rewrite when get chance, as commented by reader, I forgot an entire scene that makes the core concept make sense, need to rewrite to make easier to keep suspension of disbelief.)


Jamie stood in front of the mirror, her heart a symphony of beats too fast to follow. Today was more than just a day; it was a beginning—the first day of the rest of her life. She gazed at her reflection, focusing on the soft waves of her hair that framed her face, a style she chose with care, hoping it whispered femininity in a way her nervous heart felt but couldn't always show.

Her hand reached up, tracing the line of her jaw, smooth from the morning's close shave. It was a small victory, but for Jamie, each stroke of her hand over her skin was a reminder of the steps she was willing to take towards her true self.

Downing her new meds after a moment of hesitation, she turned back to the mirror.

"I can do this," she whispered to her reflection, a mantra against the tide of nerves. "I'm Jamie. I'm me, and that's who I need to be today." The words felt like a spell, casting courage into her heart with each repetition.

Jamie had done everything she could to prepare for this moment. She had filled out every form, ticked every box, and had those difficult conversations with the administration. They knew Jamie Lin, the student, was transgender. And that was a relief, in theory. But theory was a far cry from the reality of walking through those doors, of existing in a space where understanding was not guaranteed.

They wanted her to be at the auditorium today for orientation and asked that she be there a few minutes early to discuss a few special case rules, none of which had apparently been tested off paper yet as she was the first trans student to go here.

It was going to make for some awkward moments, she was sure of that, but this was the only college that would take her after she nose dived her academics the first 3 years of high-school, all her friends had been accepted into real universities.

'I've got my head on straight now, I can prove myself while I get my associates, then transfer out.'

She looked down at her outfit, a simple floral sundress that had caught her eye in a thrift shop window back when she was still pretending to be a guy. It had been bought and then hidden, guilt and shame ate at her while she pretended to be fine with her life.

It was the first outfit she wore when came out to her friends and later her family.

It was a bit tattered at first but with a little love it now looked elegant again, being shown how to mend it had been a peace offering from her grandmother, after the blow up that resulted from coming out. 'Maybe Christmas dinner was a bad time...'

Taking a deep breath, Jamie grabbed her backpack, slinging it over one shoulder. Today, she would walk into Maplewood Community College not as the person others had known or wanted her to be, but as Jamie, who she was. It was terrifying. It was exhilarating.

As she stepped out of her apartment, the cool breeze of early autumn greeted her, playing with the hem of her dress. With each step, Jamie felt the weight of her decision, the weight of her identity, and the weight of her hopes.

The campus loomed ahead, a mix of old brick buildings and newer, more modern structures. It was a place of beginnings and endings, of knowledge sought and found. And for Jamie, it was the first real test of her journey.

Her phone buzzed in her pocket, a message from a supportive friend: "You've got this, Jamie. Proud of you." A small smile curved Jamie's lips. Yes, she was nervous, and yes, the path ahead was uncertain. But even a thousand miles away Ash was rooting for her and that was enough to keep her anxiety at bay.

'Would be better if she was here, but I promised her I would join her at Uni, can't do that if I back out. On college or myself.'

Jamie's steps grew more confident as she neared the entrance, the doors of Maplewood Community College standing open, a threshold to cross. This was it. The start of something true, something real. Jamie Lin, in all her complexity and beauty, was ready to face the day.

"Here goes nothing," she muttered under her breath.

The buzz of conversation filled the small auditorium, a space usually reserved for guest lectures and end-of-semester award ceremonies. Today, it served as the backdrop for what the administration had dubbed an "inclusive welcome meeting," a last-minute addition to the orientation schedule. Jamie, still riding the high of her courageous step through the college doors, found herself ushered into a seat at the front, her heart sinking as she realized what was about to happen instead of what was supposed to.

The principal, Mr. Hargrove, a man whose intentions often outstripped his understanding, stepped up to the podium with a smile that was meant to be reassuring. "Welcome, everyone! As we kick off a new semester, we're embracing an exciting milestone. Maplewood Community College is proud to welcome our first openly transgender student, Jamie Lin!"

Applause broke out, mostly polite clapping, Jamie felt a wave of heat rush to her face. This was not how she had imagined her first day unfolding. She had hoped to blend in, to find her place quietly.

Mr. Hargrove continued, blissfully unaware of Jamie's discomfort. "We're all about fostering an inclusive environment here at Maplewood. Now, I know there might be questions, and we want to clear the air right from the start. Jamie, would you like to say a few words?"

Pushed into visibility, Jamie stood, her hands trembling slightly. "Um, hi, I'm Jamie," she began, her voice steadier than she felt. "I'm just here to learn, like everyone else. I... appreciate the support." Her introduction was brief, her discomfort with the situation clear.

The Q&A that followed was well-intentioned but clumsy. Questions ranged from genuinely curious to painfully uninformed, with Mr. Hargrove attempting to mediate but often fumbling the terminology himself. Jamie did her best to answer, correcting misconceptions where she could, but the spotlight was overwhelming.

In the audience, Alex Keller watched with a mix of confusion and curiosity. Her understanding of gender and identity was limited, and the administration's awkward handling of the situation only muddled her perception further. As Jamie spoke, trying to navigate the minefield of questions, Alex came to a completely erroneous conclusion.

"That's... unexpected," Alex thought, watching Jamie. "So, she's trying to be a guy, huh? Seems like a waste. But maybe she's just confused, needs someone to set her straight. This whole thing seems like a mess. Admin's making it worse, parading her around like some kind of mascot."

She leaned back, her mind already turning over the idea. "Maybe I can help, somehow. Show her there's nothing wrong with being a girl. Hell, if she's got the guts to stand up there after all this, maybe there's something to work with. Yeah, I could fix this, make her see sense. It'll be a project, but someone's got to do it. Can't let her go down this path without trying to help. "

She had a new mission: to "save" Jamie from what she perceived to be a monumental mistake.

The hallways of Maplewood Community College buzzed with the energy of a new semester, students navigating their schedules with a mix of excitement and trepidation. Jamie, already overwhelmed by the morning's events, moved cautiously through the crowd, hoping to make it to her next class without incident.

However, fate had other plans. From the throng of students emerged Alex, a figure of confidence and assertive presence. With a stride that parted the sea of students, she zeroed in on Jamie, her intentions as clear as they were confused.

"Jamie!" Alex called out, her voice laced with a determination that made Jamie's steps falter. Before Jamie could react, Alex had closed the distance, her hand gripping Jamie's arm with an intensity that pushed them both to the side of the hallway.

"You're a girl, Jamie. You've always been a girl!" Alex's words were a fierce whisper, her eyes boring into Jamie's with a mix of concern and conviction. It was a declaration meant to be grounding, to "save" Jamie from a mistaken identity crisis.

Jamie, taken aback, found herself pressed against the cool wall, Alex's words ringing in her ears.

Noticing the arms above her shoulders boxing her in. "I... Yes, I am a girl," Jamie responded, her voice a mix of confusion and clarity.

Alex, interpreting Jamie's agreement as a victory, softened slightly, her grip loosening. "Then why would you want to change that? You don't need to be anything else. You're perfect as you are."

"Thank you, Alex. I appreciate your support?" Jamie was just as confused by this point, not helped by the crowd looking at them or Alex's postition.

Alex, interpreting Jamie's response as acknowledgment, felt a sense of accomplishment. "Just remember, you're a girl. And there's nothing wrong with that," she concluded.

As the bell rang, signaling the end of their encounter, Alex extracted herself from boxing Jamie in left.

'WTF was that.' Jamie wondered before realizing she had to hurry to her next class, Alex's confusing interaction leaving her flustered as she rushed down the hallway.

What's next?

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