A good time gambling

A good time gambling

A story about a buck whose not so good at cards.

Chapter 1 by Oak Deer Oak Deer

Oak was hanging out with some of his friends late at night, the group was rather out of it and were pretty much ready to head to bed, the evening had settled down and nobody really had any ideas of what to do, and since most of them were drunk they felt sluggish, so they just watched tv on the couch. They consisted of 5 total including Oak, in the group there was a calico cat, a fox, a ferret, and another deer like Oak. They were all guys except for the cat. Oak almost suggested that they should go to sleep but before he spoke out the ferret suggested something.

"How about we play strip poker?"

"I don't know how to even play poker" The fox said.

"It's not that hard to learn, but if you prefer blackjack I'm down"

The rest of the group agreed, Oak personally only wanted to see the other buck get stripped down, he kinda had a thing for other deer. So they grabbed a few decks of cards, shuffled them all together and started discussing the rules.

"First off, everyone must have the same amount of clothing. I've got my shirt, pants, underwear and a pair of socks, that's 5 total, do we all got that?"

The one lady in the group spoke up "Well I've got 6..."

"Take something off then."

And she took off a single sock. They went back to discussing rules, they decided that the ferret will be house, since he came up with the idea, and he'll be exempt from undressing, until there is one person left, then they will go against each other. The house must hold on 17+ and so on. One last major rule though was, that if you won against house, you'd get a piece of clothing back. If you lost a piece of clothing, you wouldn't get it back, the ferret informed everyone. They get everything sorted, and they sit down at the dining room table before the ferret starts dealing.

What's next?

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