A World to Rule

Ultimate power but with no ultimate cost.

Chapter 1 by Molotov989 Molotov989

Life has been cruel to you, but not in any drastic sense of parents getting divorced or killed, friends turning their backs on you, or getting fired from work. If anything it could be said that you've led a perfectly good life till now, what with a relatively stable job and a roof over your head.

It's just, every day seems the same, every action meaningless, like your part of some grand game that's outside of your control. Fate has yet to grant you companionship, a lady friend who you can treat right and call your own. you've plenty of friends, and work colleagues, but lonely nights infront of the hum of your laptop can only go so far.

It was on one of these nights you stumble across a website you've never seen before. hardly to your surprise of course, the internet having a whole worlds worth of knowledge, but this one was, unusually, outside of your comfort zone of generic porn sites and hentai.

"Ultimate power can be yours at a click of a button! sponsored by AQUZAK£$%^*&ZIXIS! You too can decide the fate of your home world! Sign up today! And recieve a free prize!"

It was one of the tackiest, blandest, worst attempts at a hoax site you have ever seen, clearly this immense fail had to be explored in greater detail. even the name of the sponsor is glitched beyond comprehension! Tentatively you click the "Sign up NOW!" button and as the next screen loads you wonder what it could mean by 'deciding the fate of my home world?' is this some kind of new space tactics MMO? there are shit-tons of them out there...

Surprisingly there aren't any pages of registery details you'd usually find, even the worst requires your email address, all this site does is close the browser and....

"OH SHI-" is all you can exclaim as the screen shuts off and your left with a fading after-image of the website. Pausing you go to turn it back on when a small sharp sting goes up your fingertip, and causes you to jump back ever so slightly.

'What the fuck did that website do?' you wonder as you boot the laptop up. slowly but surely it gets back to the desktop, and to your surprise no lasting damage seems to have been done at all! There is a new icon on your desktop...

Do you press it?

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