A Little Scandalous

A Little Scandalous

In Red Heels

Chapter 1 by strawberry_tea strawberry_tea

Coming home after dropping out from college has been the hardest thing you've ever done. But you barely had the mental health or money to continue, so you simply dropped out and begged your parents to let you live in your old room until you could get a stable job, luckily, your parents welcomed you in with open arms and happily lead you to your old room.

You were surprised to see that nothing had changed, they hadn't thrown out nor given away any of your stuff! Great, you could sell some of it to get a bit of small change, but that would have to wait. As you walked in you unpacked your stuff, plugged in your laptop. You had begun researching about the jobs near you, when you saw an interesting ad pop up in big bold letters,

" NEW: Hard leather journal for all your writing purposes! 50% off "

Intrigued, you clicked on and saw a rather good looking thick book. Your not sure what compelled you to buy it, but there you were, already entering in your credit card information. Perhaps not the dumbest thing you've done but it'd take a close second place. You were ripped from your thoughts as your mom called you down to eat supper- had it gotten that late already? You quickly got up and left for dinner, soon after calling it a day and falling asleep on your comfy old bed.

In the morning, you wake up to the book sitting on your bed

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